1 |
Destination: Quantum |
2 |
Down The Rabbit Hole |
3 |
This Is My Lazer Gun |
4 |
Destination: War |
5 |
Rivals |
6 |
Working That Nine to Five |
7 |
Decoy (Breaking Bad Style) |
8 |
Meteor |
9 |
Pinball (Twine Remix) |
10 |
Memories |
11 |
Inside an Atom |
12 |
The Book of Knowledge |
13 |
Amazing |
14 |
Apollo |
15 |
Destination: Rain |
16 |
Quantum EP |
17 |
Evolve |
18 |
Champions (feat. Harry Brooks Jnr) |
19 |
Dark Arts EP |
20 |
Supernova |