花墙FancyWall 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 Alive Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
4 Diamond Age Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
6 丛林守则 自嗨儿童日记
8 Only Only Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
10 陆家嘴 Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
12 节点二〇一九 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
14 克莱尔 转子心
16 弄潮儿 Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
18 芍药信 芍药信
20 撒·野 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
24 千尺焰 转子心
26 丛林守则 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
28 She Sets a Fire to Her Paper Boat 转子心
30 Crimson California Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
32 Gorilla! Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
34 粉红色闪电 Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
36 DISCONNECTION Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
38 Welcome to the Millennium! Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
40 麻风骑士 后现代旋律报告
42 热盐湖 转子心
44 Young Lover Young Lover
46 Ebb Tide Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
48 思维魔障 思维魔障
50 Vic Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
52 口袋 (Rolling Live) 口袋 (Rolling Live)
54 KICK OFF! 筋厂制噪 VOL.1
56 粉红色闪电 (Live) The Next Big Thing 见证大团 第一季LIVE合辑
58 Alive (肖萧 Remix) Alive(肖萧 Remix)
60 自嗨儿童日记 自嗨儿童日记
62 口袋(feat. Nana) 口袋
64 Cyber Beast Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
66 Glassy House 转子心
68 FOOL PARADE! Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
70 发烫 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
72 撞 色 少 女 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
74 时髦游戏 转子心
76 劣质子弹 Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
78 NAMAS 转子心
80 S1weiMOZhangggggggg Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
82 MONO Overspeed Youths: Empathy, Frauds and Imaginary Troops
84 落幕舞 转子心
86 SIGNAL Millennium Eden千禧伊甸园
88 弄潮儿 (Rolling Live) 弄潮儿 (Rolling Live)
90 余震 转子心
92 脐带 转子心