歌手 Yuri FayerBolshoi Theatre OrchestraLudwig Minkus Don Quixote, Act I: Variation of Kitri

Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya 专辑歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Khovanshchina: Overture "Dawn on the Moscow River" Modest Mussorgsky  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin), Act 3: Vanya's Song "Kak mat' ubili u malogo ptentsa" Mark Ermler  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Queen of Spades, Act III, Scene 3: Herman's Aria "Chto nasha zhizn'? Igra! Zurab Anjaparidze  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Fountain of Bakhchisarai: Romance Algis Zguraitis  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin), Act 4: Susanin's Aria "Chuyut pravdu" Mark Ermler  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin), Epilogue: Chorus "Slav'sya, slav'sya, ty Rus' moya! " Mark Ermler  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Queen of Spades, Act III, Scene 2: Scene andLisa's Arioso "Uzh polnoch blizitsya" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Don Quixote, Act I: Variation of Kitri Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Flames of Paris: Adagio Algis Zguraitis  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act I: Lyudmila's Cavatina "Grustno mne, roditel' dorogoy" Bela Rudenko  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Act IV, Scene 2: Introduction "Three Wonders" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Samson and Delilah, Act II: Delilah's Aria"Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix" Camille Saint-Saëns  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act IV: Chernomor's March Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act II: Scene and Rondo "Ya ves' drozhu..." Boris Morozov  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Ruslan and Lyudmila: Overture Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Demon Act II, Scene 4: Second romance of the Demon "Na vozdushnom okeane" Anton Rubinstein  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
The Queen of Spades, Act 1, Scene 2: Duet "Uzh vecher" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Aida, Act I: Aida's Aria "Ritorna vincitor" Mark Ermler  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Iolanta, Scena 6: Robert's Aria"Kto mozhet sravnit'sya s Matil'doy moyey" Mark Ermler  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya

Yuri FayerBolshoi Theatre OrchestraLudwig Minkus 热门歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Dead Souls, Act III: Introduction to the Song "Ne bely snegi" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Boris Godunov, Act I Scene 2: "Что ты на меня так пристально смотришь?" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Dead Souls, Act III: Service of Prosecutor's Burial "Upokoy, Gospodi, dushu" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Boris Godunov, Act I Scene 2: Song of the Tavern's Keeper "Поймала я сиза селезня" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov, Act I Scene 1: "Звонят к заутрене" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov, Act IV Scene 2: "Царевича скорей!" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov, Act IV Scene 3: "Мы, Димитрий Иванович" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar), Op. 4:Act III: Quartet: Antonida! Miliye dyeti! (Antonida! Dear children!) (Susanin, Sobinin, Vanya, Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  GLINKA: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar) (Mikhailov, Spiller, Melik-Pashayev) (1947, 1950)
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar), Op. 4:Epilogue: Finale: Slav'sya, slav'sya, ti Rus' moya! (Glory, glory to Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  GLINKA: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar) (Mikhailov, Spiller, Melik-Pashayev) (1947, 1950)
The Stone Guest, Act I Scene 1: "No, poslushay, eto mesto znakomo nam" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  The Stone Guest
The Stone Guest, Act I Scene 2: "Bravo, bravo! Chudno, bespodobno!" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  The Stone Guest
Boris Godunov, Prologue Scene 1: "На кого ты нас покидаешь, отец наш?" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov, Act III Scene 1: "Речью любовною, нежною, пылкою" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
The Bronze Horseman, Op. 89: Hymn to the Great City Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  20th Century Russian Classical Hits
Boris Godunov, Prologue Scene 1: "Православные! Неумолим боярин" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov, Act III Scene 2: Polonaise with Choir "Вашей страсти я не верю, пане" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
The Queen of Spades, Act III, Scene 3: Herman's Aria "Chto nasha zhizn'? Igra! Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Rigoletto:Rigoletto's Aria "Cortigiani, vil razza" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Arias from Operas
The Children of Rosenthal, Act II, Tableau 3: Toropis, Toropilo Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Desyatnikov: The Children of Rosenthal
Eugene Onegin, Op. 24:Act I - Scene 1 - Introduction Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Eugene Onegin (Bolshoi Opera)
A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin), Act 3: Vanya's Song "Kak mat' ubili u malogo ptentsa" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Khovanshchina: Overture "Dawn on the Moscow River" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi. The Best of Melodiya
Boris Godunov, Act II: "Ты зачем?" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
The Children of Rosenthal, Act I, Tableau 2: Petrusha, Ty? Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Desyatnikov: The Children of Rosenthal
Boris Godunov, Act II: "Ay! Полно, царевна, голубушка!" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Ruslan and Lyudmila: Overture Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra. Historical Recordings
Il Trovatore, Act IV: Aria di Leonora "Siam giunti: ecco la torre" Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  200th Anniversary Giuseppe Verdi, Vol. 1
The Children of Rosenthal, Act II, Tableau 3: Kak Vo Slavnom Gorode, Vo Moskve-Stolitse Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Desyatnikov: The Children of Rosenthal
The Children of Rosenthal, Act II, Tableau 5: Gde Ya? Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  Desyatnikov: The Children of Rosenthal
The Gadfly: Romance Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra  20th Century Russian Classical Hits
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