Catfish Nuggets (Skit)
Hey there fellas, this is your brother Jervel again
嘿还是我 你兄弟Jervel(还有完没完了)
Just wanna call on you, kinda need a little bit of help down here
给你打电话 有点事想找你帮帮忙
We gonna have a, fundraising this Saturday down at the fellowship hall for Cole Buchanan
我们准备周六在友谊礼堂给Cole Buchanan办一次募捐筹款
And wanted to see if you could set a couple bottles of the old camp
You know I don't know if y'all heard, but Cole was down there at the catfish junction like he always is, you know
不知道你听说没 当时Cole在他经常待的Catfish Junction那家餐馆
Fryin' up some of his famous catfish nuggets, and he put in a little wet batch and uh
炸他最拿手的鲇鱼块 然后他往锅里溅了点水
And, you know the - what it was was the, you know, the grease began to splatter
晓得吧—当时就是—知道吧 油锅马上就炸开了
And it caught him in his left eye, and he's gon', he's gon' end up losin' it then
油溅到他左边眼睛里 他左眼可能 可能就要瞎了吧
So we wanna help him out and see if we can't get him a false eye in there
我们想帮帮他 看能不能给他装一只义眼上去
Just one of them ones that they, kinda like a marble eye what they gon' put in there
就是有点像弹珠的那个小玩意儿 他们准备给他装一个
But they gon' need a little bit of funds you know, so, if y'all could, just help out
Send us a couple bottles down and we'll see what we can get for him
给我们带几瓶酒过来 我们看看能不能做些啥
You know and just - don't worry about your P.R.'s, we'll keep it hush-hush
行吧 不用担心别人会知道 我们不会对外说的
Anyway, talk on y'all later
(以上均为Jervel的胡诌 请勿当真)