歌手 Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band Pipers' Medley:A Hundred Pipers - Cock O' The North - John Grumblie - I loe Nae A Laddie - We're No' Awa'

The World of Scotland 专辑歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Reels:Mrs. MacLeod - The Fairy Dance - Davie Knick-Knack - The Mason's Apron The Fiddle and Accordion Club  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Skye Boat Song Traditional  The World of Scotland
In The Gloamin' - Just a Wee Deoch-an-Doris - Stop Your Tickling Jock - I Love a Lassie - Sailing up the Clyde Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Muir of OrdStruan RobertsonOver the Isles to America Traditional  The World of Scotland
Scott: Annie Laurie Lady John Douglas Scott  The World of Scotland
Set of Reels:The Tushkar - Tullamore Piper- New High Level - Angus Macleod Arthur Spink and His Band  The World of Scotland
Blair Drummond (Strathspey) & The Brolum (Reel) Bert Shorthouse And His Glenlomond Band  The World of Scotland
My Ain Folk Wilfred Mills  The World of Scotland
The Dark Island Archie Duncan  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Scotland The Brave Traditional  The World of Scotland
Morag of Dunvegan Calum Kennedy  The World of Scotland
Scottish Waltz Medley:Ho-ree, Ho-ro, My Little Wee Girl - For The Sake Of Somebody - The Northern Lights Of Old Aberdeen Jack Sinclair and His Scottish Dance Band  The World of Scotland
New Rigged Ship - The Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow - A. M. Shinnie - The Drunken Parson Arthur Spink and His Band  The World of Scotland
The Skyline of Skye Calum Kennedy  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Willie's Gane To Melville Castle Traditional  The World of Scotland
Robert Burns Medley:My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose - Ye Banks And Braes - Ca' The Ewes - My Heart is Sair - Scots Wha Hae Jack Sinclair  The World of Scotland
Amazing Grace Carol Sim  The World of Scotland
Pipers' Medley:A Hundred Pipers - Cock O' The North - John Grumblie - I loe Nae A Laddie - We're No' Awa' Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Comin' Thru The Rye Traditional  The World of Scotland
Traditional: Blue Bonnets Over The Border - Scotland The Brave Traditional  The World of Scotland
Lochanside:Highland Brigade At Magersfontein The Scotts And Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band  The World of Scotland
Keep Right On To The End Of The Road Kenneth McKellar  The World of Scotland
The Rowan Tree The Edinburgh City Police Pipe Band  The World of Scotland
Bluebell Polka Arthur Spink and His Band  The World of Scotland
Traditional: The Garton Mother's Lullaby Traditional  The World of Scotland
Traditional: MacKenzie's Highlanders Traditional  The World of Scotland

Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band 热门歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
In The Gloamin' - Just a Wee Deoch-an-Doris - Stop Your Tickling Jock - I Love a Lassie - Sailing up the Clyde Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band  The World of Scotland
Pipers' Medley:A Hundred Pipers - Cock O' The North - John Grumblie - I loe Nae A Laddie - We're No' Awa' Bobby Macleod and His Highland Dance Band  The World of Scotland
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