歌手 ルシュカ 2010-

this is the story of the boy who chased his dream
to stay safe, he betrayed himself
what a shame, he even beautified how he faked
singing a lie
a child in a castle
has found it so facile
leading a sheltered life with birth parents
this is the story of the girl who achieved her dream
to stay true, she was forced to flee her home
with her foster parents she made it through
and she received a curtain call
a child was abandoned
and took her machine gun
to save herself from a knife of words
listen up now
she's going to sing it out loud
while he's trying to bring her down
listen up now
listen up now
listen up now

Sheltered and Abandoned 专辑歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Remember: it could be the last ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
sheltered and abandoned ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
ミスター・マスター ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
告別式 ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
me who I'm not ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
ユメバナ ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
私の欠片 ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
2010- ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
Orphan ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
pseudo ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
IDOLIZE ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
alive imperfect ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned

ルシュカ 热门歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
anniversary ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
last line trigger ルシュカ  Shooting Snow 2012
sheltered and abandoned ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
sign ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
shiningray ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
2010- ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
【ルシュカが歌ってみた】溝ノ口太陽族&続・溝ノ口太陽族【CDに収録してみた】 ルシュカ  「天体戦士サンレッド」溝ノ口豪華絢爛歌謡祭
水面の世界より ルシュカ  Remilia
Sad spring ルシュカ  Seated With Liquor
shiningray ルシュカ  EXIT TUNES PRESENTS 神曲を歌ってみた 2 ジャケットイラスト:ゆのみ
Demon Strundum ルシュカ  Melody Memories
告別式 ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
きざし ルシュカ  RE:birth
encounter ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
me who I'm not ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
birth and foster ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
Orphan ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
カミノコトバ ルシュカ  最新热歌慢摇104
happiness theory ルシュカ  Colorful Magic
Drain Re;act mix (English) ルシュカ  Hysteresis
days with you ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
Remember: it could be the last ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
ユメバナ ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
the reason for BIRTH ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
私の欠片 ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
ミスター・マスター ルシュカ  Sheltered and Abandoned
mondschein ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
the most important start ever ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
fragile boy ルシュカ  Birth and Foster
月光剣舞 ルシュカ  パラレルリンク
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