歌手 Don Kosaken Chor Serge JaroffDon Kosaken ChorChristmas SongsAlexander GretchaninovChristmas MusicDon Cossack ChoirWanja HlibkaDon Cossack Choir Serge Jaroff Credo - Ich glaube an den Gott, den allmächtigen VaterI believe in God the Father Almighty

Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor 专辑歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
In der KircheIn the Church (Russian Carol) Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Die Glocken von JerusalemThe bells of Jerusalem (Russian Christmas Carol) Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe (from Russia, 18th Century) Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Unter Deiner GnadeUnder your mercy (Russian Carol) Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Leise rieselt der Schnee (German Christmas Song) Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Credo - Ich glaube an den Gott, den allmächtigen VaterI believe in God the Father Almighty Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Wir verneigen uns vor Deinem KreuzWe bow before Your Cross Christmas Music  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Christus ist geborenChrist is Born Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Russischer WeihnachtsgesangRussian Christmas Carol Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Heiliger GottHoly God (Melody from Kiev, Russia) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Erster Psalm DavidsFirst Psalm of David (from the Russian Kievskaya Lavra Monastery) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Adeste FidelisNun freut euch Ihr ChristenO Come All Ye Faithful (Carol from 18th Century) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Süsser die Glocken nie klingenSweeter the bells never sound (German Christmas Carol) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Neue Freude ist über uns gekommenNew Joy Has Come About (Ukrainian Christmas Carol) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
In Dulci JubiloIn sweet rejoicing (Christmas Carol) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (German Christmas Carol) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Te Deum Laudamus (in Russian) - Great God, we praise youGrosser Gott wir loben Dich Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Gott sei mit unsGod be with us (Russian Carol) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
Gospodie Pomilui - Herr erbarme Dich unserLord have mercy on us (Russian Russian Prayer) Don Cossack Choir  Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor

Don Kosaken Chor Serge JaroffDon Kosaken ChorChristmas SongsAlexander GretchaninovChristmas MusicDon Cossack ChoirWanja HlibkaDon Cossack Choir Serge Jaroff 热门歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Tales by the Fireside Christmas Music  2019: A Season of Snowflakes Christmas Music Sessions
Glory Hallelujah Christmas Songs  Ugly Sweater Christmas Music
O Holy Night Christmas Songs  The Fireside Singers Sing Christmas
Chill Factor Christmas Songs  2019 Ode to the Holidays - 40 Songs for Magic Music Memories
The Power of Love Christmas Music  Modern Christmas Music Essentials
We Three Kings Christmas Songs  14 Captivating Christmas Carols
We Wish Your A Merry Christmas Christmas Songs  14 Crucial Christmas Carols
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree Christmas Music  Modern Christmas Music Essentials
Please Come Home for Christmas Christmas Music  Christmas: The Best Hits
Christmas Hymn & Hymn To The Virgin Mary Don Kosaken Chor  111 Classics For Christmas
Baking Memories Christmas Songs  Essential Festive New Years 2021 Collection
What Child Is This Christmas Songs  A Classical Christmas Special
Oh Holy Night Christmas Songs  Relaxing Music for Christmas
Christ and Christmas Christmas Songs  Christmas Tunes by the Fireside: 50 Songs for a Cheerful Festive Feeling
Christmas Spirit Christmas Songs  Ultimate Christmas 2019 Family Friendly Christmas Mix
When You Wish Upon a Star Christmas Music  Your Favorite Classic Christmas Songs on the Piano
While Sheppards Watched There Flocks By Night Christmas Music  10 Straight Up Carols
Mary's Boy Child Christmas Songs  Christmas Family Time
Serenidad Christmas Music  Villancicos Navideños: Villancicos de Navidad para Niños, Canciones de Navidad Infantiles
Deck The Halls Christmas Music  8 Christmas Christian Songs
Meowy Christmas! Christmas Songs  Ultimate Christmas 2019 Family Friendly Christmas Mix
Sleigh Ride Christmas Songs  Classic Christmas Songs
Warm Memories Christmas Music  A Joyful Christmas Special: 50 Lovely Songs to Bring Happiness This Season
Fairy Whispers Christmas Songs  Our Special Christmas: 36 Essential Season Classics for Your Family to Enjoy
White Christmas Christmas Music  Modern Christmas Music Essentials
Rudoplh The Red Nose Reindeer Christmas Music  8 Christmas Christian Songs
Mary Christmas Songs  Romantic Christmas Playlist
Carol of the Bells Christmas Music  Modern Christmas Music Essentials
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Christmas Music  The Best Christmas Music
What Child is This, Digital Choir, 34 Christmas Songs  What Child is This? (Variations on Greensleeves)


# 专辑
1 Hit Wonder: Don Kosaken Chor Serge Jaroff, Vol. 1
2 Serenade for Strings in C, Op.48
3 Schwarze Augen - Russische Volkslieder
4 Rimsky-Korsakov: ScheherazadeTchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien; Overture 1812
5 Tschaikowsky: Capriccio Italien; Eugen Onegin; Romeo and Julia
6 Tchaikovsky: The Essentials
7 Wanja Hlibka
8 Karajan Conducts Tchaikovsky
9 Karajan & Berliner Philharmoniker - Tchaikovsky
10 Les Cosaques Du Don - Chants Russes, Populaires & Religieux
11 1812OvertureThe Nutcracker Marche SlaveCapriccio Italien
12 Don Kosaken Chor Great Recordings
13 Christmas with the Don Cossack Choir ~ Weihnachten Mit Dem Don Kosaken Chor
14 111 Classics For Christmas
15 Romantic Christmas Playlist
16 Sleep Tight Christmas Music
17 Christmas Chillout Playlist
18 Traditional Christmas Choirs
19 La Playlist Natalizia Per Un Buon Caffè


# 作词
1 Concerto for 2 Mandolins, Strings and Continuo in G, RV.532 - Transcr. A.Lagoya:1. Allegro
2 果し合いは放課後に…M-28 T2
3 En Rose Så Jeg Skyde
4 Cinderella (She Said Her Name) [Original Club Mix]
5 Falling
6 Hometown
7 Porcelein(Live)
8 Recorder Sonata in F major Op.1 No.11 HWV 369:3. Alla siciliana
9 replica
10 Let Him Go
11 Young and Foolish
12 Goose Steppin' Mama
13 높이 (inst.)
14 12 Rhapsodies, Op. 1: No. 12 in E Flat Major: Allegro tempestoso
15 B.M.P.I.D.
16 O Amor E A Rosa
17 Blurry Vision (feat. Nessly)
18 (stage 6_0)
19 God Fear (Technodistortion Remix)
20 Last Night Of Our Lives
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