6 Lieder aus Lotosblätter, Op. 19, TrV 152:tter, Op. 19, TrV 152: No. 3. Schon sind, doch kalt die Himmelssterne |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
A Little Love Music:No. 5. Sweet, let me go! |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
Schlichte Weisen, Op. 21, TrV 160:No. 1. All' mein Gedanken, mein Herz und mein Sinn |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
A Little Love Music:No. 6. I love and I hate |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
Greek Love Songs:No. 7. The Poet's Epitaph |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
5 Kleine Lieder, Op. 69, TrV 237 (text by H. Heine): No. 5. Schlechtes Wetter |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
3 Songs of Ben Jonson:No. 1. Echo's Lament for Narcissus |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity: Stanzas VIII - XIII |
Teresa Cahill
Rootham: Symphony No. 2 & Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity |
Greek Love Songs:No. 5. Night |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
Songs of Wonder:No. 3. The wonder of wonders |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
6 Lieder, Op. 37, TrV 187 (text by D. von Liliencron and G. Falke):No. 3. Meinem Kinde |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
3 Gesange alterer deutscher Dichter, Op. 43, TrV 196 (text by G.A. Burger): No. 2. Muttertandelei |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
Coronation Ode, Op. 44:IIa. The Queen (Chorus) |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
Coronation Ode, Op. 44:IIb. Daughter of Ancient Kings (Chorus) |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity: Stanzas XXI - XXVII |
Teresa Cahill
Rootham: Symphony No. 2 & Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity |
3 Lieder, Op. 29, TrV 172: No. 2. Schlagende Herzen |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
3 Songs of Ben Jonson:No. 2. The Kiss |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
The Spirit of England, Op. 80:No. 1. The Fourth of August |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
8 Gedichte aus Letzte Blätter, Op. 10, TrV 141:tter, Op. 10, TrV 141: No. 2. Nichts |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
Coronation Ode, Op. 44:I. Introduction: Crown the King (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus) |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
Greek Love Songs:No. 6. Lullaby |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |
4 Lieder, Op. 27, TrV 170: No. 2. Cäcilie (text by H. Hart) |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
Coronation Ode, Op. 44:III. Britain, ask of thyself (Bass, Chorus) |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
5 Lieder, Op. 15, TrV 148 (text by A.F. von Schack) |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
6 Lieder, Op. 37, TrV 187 (text by D. von Liliencron and G. Falke):No. 2. Ich liebe dich |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
Schlichte Weisen, Op. 21, TrV 160:No. 2. Du meines Herzens Kronelein |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
8 Gedichte aus Letzte Blätter, Op. 10, TrV 141:No. 3. Die Nacht |
Teresa Cahill
Vocal Recital: Cahill, Teresa - STRAUSS, R.RACHMANINOV, S. |
Coronation Ode, Op. 44:V. Peace, gentle peace (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus) |
Teresa Cahill
ELGAR: Coronation OdeThe Spirit of England |
Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity: Introduction - Stanzas I - IV |
Teresa Cahill
Rootham: Symphony No. 2 & Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity |
Greek Love Songs:No. 3. A Curse |
Teresa Cahill
BUSH, G.: Little Love Music (A)Greek Love SongsThe End of LoveSongs of Wonder3 Songs of Ben Jonson (Cahill, Luxon, Partridge, Bush) |