There at the Top
Shes independent
Shes a modern woman
She needs no prompting
On her should n shouldnt
Its always bosses
Who wish that she wouldnt
Files in the cabinet so neatly numerical
Makes all the clients so neatly alphabetical
Turn of 21
Shes looking at the map
Looking at her watch
Bags on the rack
It seems like shes there at the top
There for her service
Comfy red granada
Up to the midlands
With a taped sinatra
Plans all the hotels
And the airplane charters
Found under covers with some representative
The deal is effected but still only tentative
Shorthands a letter
Heading on the paper
Slimline her lunchbreak
Will it ever make her
Slender and modern
So all the men will take her
Back to the mirror in the empress hotel
Where the businessman smiles and the object is sell