歌手 The Amazing Keystone Big BandDavid EnhcoJonathan BoutellierFred NardinBastien Ballaz Steamboat Willie

Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic 專輯歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
Be Our Guest Eric Cantona  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
So This Is Love Mathieu Herzog  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
You’ll Be In My Heart Mathieu Herzog  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Under the Sea The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
someday my Prince will come The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
try everything The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
the Golden touch The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Steamboat Willie The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Stay Awake Mathieu Herzog  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Les corbeaux (French Version of When I See An Elephant Fly) The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Beauty And The Beast Mathieu Herzog  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic

The Amazing Keystone Big BandDavid EnhcoJonathan BoutellierFred NardinBastien Ballaz 熱門歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
interlude David Enhco  Layers
grandfather came out The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
Early one morning Peter opened the gate The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
Presentation des personnages The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Pierre et le loup et le jazz
above them flew T和bird, chirping merrily The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
try everything The Amazing Keystone Big Band  David Enhco  Jonathan Boutellier  Fred Nardin  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
someday my Prince will come The Amazing Keystone Big Band  David Enhco  Jonathan Boutellier  Fred Nardin  Bastien Ballaz  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
Tranquille David Enhco  Layers
So This Is Love The Amazing Keystone Big Band  David Enhco  Jonathan Boutellier  Fred Nardin  Bastien Ballaz  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
On the branch of a big tree The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
Just then a duck came waddling round The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
suddenly, something caught Peters eye The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
Under the Sea The Amazing Keystone Big Band  David Enhco  Jonathan Boutellier  Fred Nardin  Bastien Ballaz  Jazz Loves Disney 2 - A Kind Of Magic
In the meantime, behind the closed gate The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
Introduction to the characters The Amazing Keystone Big Band  Peter and the wolf and jazz!
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