Kung Fu Fighting (Celebration Time)
Woah ho ho oh(hu ha)
[00:46.81][00:42.44][00:38.31][00:16.79]Woah ho ho oh (hu ha)
每一個人都功夫在身( hu ha)
努力尋找氣之魂(hu ha)
雖然它有時會讓人慌神(hu ha)
卻點亮我的心燈(hu ha)
努力尋找氣之魂(hu ha)
雖然它有時會讓人慌神(ha hu)
[01:11.11] Woah ho ho oh
Everybody was Kung fu fighting(每個人都是功夫高手)
Our Chi is what were finding (我們追求的正是這股浩然正氣)
I know it is a little bit frightening(我知道這傳奇技藝有些驚人)
Oh but its so enlightening (但卻使我受益匪淺)
Before the battle of the fist(在拳腳功夫之前)
Comes the battle of the mind (是思維智慧的比拼)
When you dont know who you are(當你迷失自我忘掉自己的姓與名)
Just look inside (就深入內心深處找尋答案)
When we move into the flow (當我們隱沒於人群之中)
Were always gonna win (勝利之神就站在我們這邊)
So feel the Power (感知你身上的強大力量)
And let it in (將這力量化為己用)
Woah ho ho oh Kung Fu Fighting (功夫高手)
Woah ho ho oh what were finding (我們所追尋的)
Woah ho ho oh a little bit frightening (有些驚人)
Woah ho ho oh so enlightening (受益匪淺)
Everybody was Kung fu fighting (每個人都是功夫高手)
Heeeya !