歌手 李偉菘 

Passage 14 Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is the combination of self-confidence and self-repespect - the conviction that you
are competent to cope with life's challenges and are worthy of happiness.
Self-esteem is the way you talk to yourself about yourself.
Self-esteem has two interrelated aspects; it entails a sense of personal
efficacy and a sense of personal worth.
It is the integrated sum of self-confidence and self-respect.
It is the conviction that one is competent to live and worthy of living.
Our self-esteem and self-image are developed by how we talk to ourselves.
All of us have conscious and unconscious memories of all the times we felt
bad or wrong – they are part of the unavoidable scars of childhood.
This is where the critical voice gets started.
Everyone has a critical inner voice.
People with low self-esteem simply have a more vicious and demeaning inner voice.
Psychologists say that almost every aspect of our lives – our personal happiness,
success, relationships with others, achievement, creativity,
dependencies – are dependent on our level of self-esteem.
The more we have, the better we deal with things. Positive self-esteem is important
because when people experience it,
they feel good and look good, they are effective and productive, and they respond
to other people and themselves in healthy, positive, growing ways.
People who have positive self-esteem know that they are lovable and capable,
and they care about themselves and other people.
They do not have to build themselves up by tearing other people down or by
patronizing less competent people.
Our background largely determines what we will become in personality and more importantly
in self-esteem. Where do feelings of worthlessness come from?
Many come from our families, since more than 80%of our waking hours up to
the age of eighteen are spent under their direct influence.
We are who we are because of their influence.
We build our own brands of self-esteem
from four ingredients: fate, the positive things
life offers the negative things life offers and our own decisions about
how to respond to fate, the positives and the negatives.
Neither fate nor decisions can be determined by other people in our own life.
No one can change fate. We can control our thinking and therefore our
decisions in life.

流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選 專輯歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
暗戀 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
我們說好的 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
雨天 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
煙火 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
風箏 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
我等到花兒也謝了 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
死心眼 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
搞笑 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
想你的365天 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
白絲線 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
善男信女 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
比我幸福 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
假面的告白 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
末班車 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選

李偉菘 熱門歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
殺敵 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
出征 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
光榮殉葬 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
絕處逢生 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
訣別 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
所有的年輕都一樣 李偉菘  激勵歌曲經典-迎向未來(瑞華黑膠雷射小碟王系列)
龍捲風 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
我要的幸福 李偉菘  星聲代
情愫邂逅 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
找尋 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
煙火 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
風箏 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
雨天 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
暗戀 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
等到花兒也謝了 李偉菘  傷心
我們說好的 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
非戰之罪 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
柔然進攻 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
綠光 李偉菘  星聲代
文泰之死 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
兩軍交戰 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
兄弟鬩牆 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
寧死不屈 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
逆謀篡位 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
我們應該自豪 李偉菘  激勵歌曲經典-迎向未來(瑞華黑膠雷射小碟王系列)
征戰沙場 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
我等到花兒也謝了 李偉菘  流轉——李偉菘鋼琴演奏精選
奮勇殺敵 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
代父出征 李偉菘  花木蘭 電影原聲大碟
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