Color and Light
More red...
And a little more red...
Blue blue blue blue
Blue blue blue blue
Even even...
Bumbum bum bumbumbum
Bumbum bum...
More red...
More blue...
More beer...
More light!
Color and light
Theres only color and light
Yellow and white
Just blue and yellow and white
Look at the air, Miss-
See whet I mean?
No, look over there, Miss-
Thats done with green...
Conjoined with orange...
Nothing seems to fit me right
The less I wear, the more comfortable I feel
More rouge...
George is very special
Maybe Im just not special enough for him
If my legs were longer
If my bust was smaller
If my hands were graceful
If my waist was thinner
If my hips were flatter
If my voice was warm.
If I could concentrate--
Id be in the Follies
Id be in a cabaret
Gentlemen in tall silk hats
And linen spats
Would wait with flowers
I could make them wait for hours
Giddy young aristocrats
With fancy flats
Would drink my health,
And I would be as
Hard as nails...
And theyd only want me more. ..
If I was a Folly girl
Nah, I wouldnt like it much
Married men and stupid boys
And too much smoke and all that noise
And all that color and light. ..
Arent you proper today, Miss?
Your parasol so properly cocked,
your bustle so perfectly upright
And you Sir. Your hat so black
So black to you, perhaps.
So red to me.
Noneof the others worked at night...
So composed for a Sunday.
How do you work without the right
How do you fathom George?
Red red red red
Red red orange
Red red orange
Orange pick up blue
Pick up red
Pick up orange
From the blue-green blue-green
Blue-green circle
On the violet diagonal
Yellow comma yellow comma
Numnum num numnumnum
Numnum num...
Blue blue blue blue
Blue still sitting
Red that perfume
Blue all night
Blue-green the window shut
Dut dut dut
Dot Dot sitting
Dot Dot waiting
Dot Dot getting fat fat fat
More yellow
Dot Dot waiting to go
Out out out
No no no George
Finish the hat finish the hat
Have to finish the hat first
Hat hat hat hat
Hot hot hot its hot in here...
Color and light!
But how George looks. He could look forever.
Theres only color and light.
As if he sees you and he doesnt all at once.
Purple and white...
What is he thinking when he looks like that?
And red and purple and white.
What does he see? Sometimes, not even blinking.
Look at this glade, girls,
Your cool blue spot.
His eyes. So dark and shiny.
No, stay in the shade, girls.
Its getting hot...
Some think cold and black.
Its getting orange...
But its warm inside his eyes...
And its soft inside his eyes...
And he burns you with his eyes...
Look at her looking.
And youre studied like the light.
Forever with that mirror.
What does she see?
And you look inside the eyes.
The pink lips, the red cheeks...
And you catch him here and there.
The wide eyes . Studying the round face...
But hes never really there/ the tiny pout
Seeing all the parts and none of the whole.
So you want him even more.
But the way she catches light...
And you drown inside his eyes...
And the color of her hair...
I could look at her/him forever
Its going well
Should I wear my red dress or blue?
Arent you going to clean up?
The Follies, George
I have to finish the hat
The Follies
Will she yell or stay silent?
Go without me or sulk in the corner?
Will she be in the bed when the hat and the grass
and the parasol have finally found their way?
Too green
Do I care?
Too blue
Too soft
What should I do?