ルシュカ 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 Remember: it could be the last Sheltered and Abandoned
4 sign Birth and Foster
6 Demon Strundum Melody Memories
8 happiness theory Colorful Magic
10 birth and foster Birth and Foster
12 sheltered and abandoned Sheltered and Abandoned
14 encounter Birth and Foster
16 ミスター・マスター Sheltered and Abandoned
18 カミノコトバ 最新熱歌慢搖104
20 告別式 Sheltered and Abandoned
22 shiningray Birth and Foster
24 last line trigger Shooting Snow 2012
26 me WHO IM not Sheltered and Abandoned
28 ユメバナ Sheltered and Abandoned
30 私の欠片 Sheltered and Abandoned
32 sad spring Seated With Liquor
34 2010- Sheltered and Abandoned
36 days with有 Birth and Foster
38 fragile boy Birth and Foster
40 shining Ray EXIT TUNES PRESENTS 神曲を歌ってみた 2 ジャケットイラスト:ゆのみ
42 the reason for birth Birth and Foster
44 【ルシュカが歌ってみた】溝ノ口太陽族&続・溝ノ口太陽族【CDに収録してみた】 「天體戦士サンレッド」溝ノ口豪華絢爛歌謡祭
46 きざし RE:birth
48 月光剣舞 パラレルリンク
50 anniversary Birth and Foster
52 Drain Re;act mix (English) Hysteresis
54 水面の世界より Remilia
56 Orphan Sheltered and Abandoned
58 mondschein Birth and Foster
60 the most important start ever Birth and Foster
62 pseudo Sheltered and Abandoned
64 IDOLIZE Sheltered and Abandoned
66 alive imperfect Sheltered and Abandoned
68 0verf1ow (feat. Luschka & Panaman) 0verf1ow (feat. Luschka & Panaman)
70 moratorium Birth and Foster
72 市場調査 Birth and Foster
74 Re;in (feat. ルシュカ) AD:PIANO VI -punishment-