# 歌名
2 The Daze (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
4 Utopia God Dad Bod
6 CentsSense (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
8 Im Juss Being Myself Family Jams Vol. 2
10 do u (feat. Nikko Gray) pay rentdo u (Blends)
12 uhoh(whereyoho@?) [feat. Swarvy] lo&behold
14 Ouchea... (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
16 Kol' Game (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
18 B4 da Crownds (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
20 Kurb Talk (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
22 me vs. me Electricity Is On Our Side (Extended Edition)
24 Due Rent (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
26 dou (blend) [feat. Nikko Gray] Due Rent (Blends)
28 D UK kits (blend) Due Rent (Blends)
30 potion (blend) [feat. v而sis] Due Rent (Blends)
32 good morning (S瓦RV用Re的U型) Good Morning (Maxi Single)
34 u call in麼 (feat. pink S II父, AK ee嗎-Zane & S瓦RV有) lo&behold
36 elderberry Elderberry
38 come UPS (skit) Due Rent (Blends)
40 blok potionblok (Blends)
42 potion (feat. v而sis) potionblok (Blends)
44 free4WHO? (blend) Due Rent (Blends)
46 F UK N Electricity Is On Our Side (Extended Edition)
48 w u R可能class (blend) Due Rent (Blends)
50 blok (blend) Due Rent (Blends)
52 pay rent (blend) [feat. zero和] Due Rent (Blends)
54 potion (blend) [feat. v而sis] potionblok (Blends)
56 毒蛾人體 Due Rent
58 III DK (blend) Due Rent (Blends)
60 do u [blend] DUE RENT [Blends] +
62 brownloop Eat more blunt guts
64 Poor Git da $$$ (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
66 Fkthajimcrow Twothousandnine
68 The Fade... (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
70 do u (Blend) [feat. Nikko Gray] pay rentdo u (Blends)
72 the big think the big think
74 Cree品 Gem Drops Four
76 wurkn class [blend] DUE RENT [Blends] +
78 Northern Organix (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
80 Demons&angeldust (Blend) Due Rent (Blends)
82 lo&behold (feat. Swarvy) lo&behold