Tower Chorale 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 Carmina Burana, Primo Vere: Veris Leta Facies Carmina Burana
4 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 44, Recitative. And Though He Be Offered (Soprano) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
6 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: XII. The Fourth Day. And God Said: Let There by Lights in the Firmament of Heaven (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
8 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: IV. Gloria - Gratias (Live) Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
10 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 29, Chorale. Is This He? O Thou, the True and Only Light (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
12 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: V. The Second Day. The Glorious Heav'nly Hierarchy (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
14 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: IV. The Second Day. And God Made the Firmament (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
16 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 2: XVI. The Fifth Day. On Mighty Pens Uplifted Soars the Eagle (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
18 Carmina Burana, Cour D'Amours: Si Puer Cum Puellula (Live) Carmina Burana
20 Devastation of the Outside World (Live) Annelies: The Voice of Anne Frank
22 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: III. Gloria - Laudamus Te (Live) Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
24 Carmina Burana, Cour D'Amours: In Trutina (Live) Carmina Burana
26 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 1: No. 17, Recitative. And His Companions (Tenor) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
28 The Capture and the Concentration Camp (Live) Annelies: The Voice of Anne Frank
30 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 1: No. 2, Lord! Thou Alone Art God (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
32 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 3: XXXV. Praise the Lord, Uplift Your Voices The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
34 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: X. Credo - Credo in Unum Deum (Live) Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
36 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 27, Recitative. And How She Was Sent Forth by the Holy Spirit (Soprano) and Arioso. Let Us Sing by the Grace of St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
38 Carmina Burana, Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: O Fortuna (Live) Carmina Burana
40 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 30, Recitative. But Paul and Barnabas Spake Freely (Tenor and Bass) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
42 The Dream (Live) Annelies: The Voice of Anne Frank
44 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: VIII. The Third Day. And God Said: Let the Earth Bring Forth Grass (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
46 Carmina Burana, Blanziflor Et Helena: Ave Formosissima (Live) Carmina Burana
48 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 38, This Is Johovah's Temple (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
50 Carmina Burana, In Taberna: Olim Lacus Colueram (Live) Carmina Burana
52 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 36, Recitative. Now When the Apostles (Tenor), Aria. For Know Ye Not? [Bass] and but Our God Abideth in Heaven! St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
54 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 32, Recitative. And There Was a Man at Lystra (Soprano) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
56 Carmina Burana, In Taberna: In Taberna Quando Sumus (Live) Carmina Burana
58 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: XI. Credo - Et Incarnatus Est Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
60 The Last Night at Home and Arrival at the Annexe (Live) Annelies: The Voice of Anne Frank
62 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: II. Gloria - Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Live) Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
64 The Plan to Go into Hiding (Live) Annelies: The Voice of Anne Frank
66 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 1: No. 1, Overture (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
68 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: VI. The Third Day. And God Said: Let the Waters Under the Heaven be Gathered Together (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
70 Carmina Burana, Uf Dem Anger: Were Diu Werlt Alle Min (Live) Carmina Burana
72 Carmina Burana, Uf Dem Anger: Chramer, Gip Die Varwe Mir (Live) Carmina Burana
74 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 2: XVIII. The Fifth Day. And the Angels Struck Their Immortal Harps (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
76 Carmina Burana, Uf Dem Anger: Tanz (Live) Carmina Burana
78 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: XIII. The Fourth Day. In Brightest Splendour Rises Now the Sun (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
80 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 1: No. 12, And Saul Made Havock of the Church (Tenor) and Aria. Consume Them All [Bass] (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
82 Great Mass in C Minor, K. 427: VII. Gloria - Quoniam (Live) Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor
84 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 2: XIX. The Fifth Day. Most Beautiful Appear, With Vendure Young Adorn'd (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
86 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 23, The Nations Are Now the Lord's (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
88 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: I. The First Day. Introduction. The Representation of Chaos (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
90 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 28, Recitative. But When the Jews; Thus Saith the Lord; and They Laid Wait for Paul (Tenor and Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
92 Carmina Burana, In Taberna: Estuans Interius (Live) Carmina Burana
94 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 2: No. 33, The Gods Themselves as Mortals (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)
96 The Creation, Hob.XXI:2, Pt. 1: X. The Third Day. And the Heavenly Host the Third Day Proclaimed (Live) The Creation - St. Mary of the Angels, Chicago, IL - March 11, 2012
98 Carmina Burana, Primo Vere: Omnia Sol Temperat (Live) Carmina Burana
100 St. Paul, Op. 36, MWV A14, Pt. 1: No. 15, Rise! Up! Arise! (Chorus) (Live) St. Paul: An Oratorio By Felix Mendelssohn - March 6, 2016 (Live)