Concentus Musicus Wien 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 English Suite No.3 in G minor BWV808 : VI Gigue The Classical Guide to Bach
4 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4:No. 4, Aria, "Priva son d'ogni conforto" (Cornelia) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
6 Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 3:No. 74, Symphony (Allegro) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
8 Cantata No.131 Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir BWV131:II Aria - "So du willst, Herr, Sünde zurechnen" [Boy Soprano, Bass] Bach, JS : Sacred Cantatas BWV Nos 131 - 133
10 Saul, HWV 53, Act 1:"O Lord, whose mercies numberless" (David) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
12 Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 15, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Now strike the golden Lyre agai Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
14 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 6:No. 24, Aria, "Cessa omai di sospirare!" (Cornelia) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
16 Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 52, Recitative, "Appear, my friend" (Jonathan, Saul) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
18 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 2:No. 33, Sinfonia Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
20 Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 18, Air, "The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Tenor) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
22 Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1:Recitative, "The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung" (T Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
24 Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4:No. 75, Recitative, "Whence comst thou?" (David, Amalekite) - No. 76, Air, "Impious wretch, of Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
26 Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6:No. 38, Recitative, "O filial piety!" - No. 29, Air, "No, cruel father, no" (Jonathan) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
28 Cantata No.127 Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott BWV127 : I Chorus - "Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott&quo The Classical Guide to Bach
30 St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Part 2: No. 39 "Erbarme dich" (Contralto) The Classical Guide to Bach
32 Saul, HWV 53, Act 1:"Already see, the daughters of the land" (Michal) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
34 Cantata No.180 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele BWV180 : I Chorus - "Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele" [Choir] The Classical Guide to Bach
36 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Odi la mia ragion" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
38 Cantata No.8 Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben BWV8 : I Chorus - "Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben?" [Choir] The Classical Guide to Bach
40 Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":VI. "We Believe That Thou Shalt Come" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
42 Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 48, Recitative, "Hast thou obeyed my orders" (Saul, Jonathan) - No. 49, Air, "Sin not, o K Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
44 The Seven Last Words of our Savior on the Cross, op. 51: Introduzione [I]: Maestoso ed Adagio Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
46 Cantata No. 147, "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben", BWV 147: X. Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Chorus) 100 Best Classics
48 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76:No. 4, Solo and Chorus, "The trumpet's loud clangor excites us" (Tenor, Chorus) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
50 Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum":No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (a) "The glorious company" (Tenor 1, Bass, Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
52 Requiem:I Requiem aeternam - Kyrie eleison Biber : Various Works - APEX
54 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 10:No. 42b, La Marche Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
56 Double Concerto in E flat major H479:I Allegro di molto Double Concertos by Bachs Sons
58 Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5:No. 78, Chorus, "Mourn, Israel, mourn, thy beauty lost!" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
60 St John Passion BWV245 : Part 2 "Ach Herr, lass dein lieb' Engelein" [Chorus] The Classical Guide to Bach
62 Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 16, Air, "Revenge, Timotheus cries" (Bass) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
64 Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":VIII. "And We Worship Thy Name" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
66 Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum":No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (b) "Thou art the King of Glory" (Chorus) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
68 Symphony in D Major, K. 385 "Haffner-Sinfonie": II. Andante Classical Meditation FM
70 Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 9: No. 66a, Recitative, "The time at length is come" (Saul) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
72 Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 67, Recitative, "Where is the son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
74 Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C Minor, BWV 1060R:III. Allegro Bach: Violin Concertos
76 Saul, HWV 53, Act 1:"Capricious man, in humour lost" (Merab) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
78 The Seven Last Words of our Savior on the Cross, op. 51: Sonata II: Largo (Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso) Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
80 Il re pastore:Act 2 "L'amerò, sarò costante" [Aminta] The Classical Guide to Mozart Opera
82 Sonata a 7 Biber : Various Works - APEX
84 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Come rosa in su la spina" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
86 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 1:No. 1, Coro, "Viva il nostro Alcide!" (Chorus) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
88 Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Trio, "Along the monster atheist strode" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
90 Saul, HWV 53:Symphony (Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro - Menuet. Andante larghetto) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
92 Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air ('Air on the G string') The Classical Guide to Bach
94 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76:No. 8, Air, "But oh! what art can teach" (Soprano) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
96 Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 8:No. 63, Recitative, "Mean as he was" - No. 64, Air, "Author of peace" (Merab) Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
98 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Mie piante correte, mie braccie stringete" Handel Edition Volume 7 - Saul, Alexanders feast, Ode for St Cecilias Day, Utrecht Te Deum, Apollo e Dafne, Giulio Cesare
100 Requiem in D Minor, K. 626:IV. Offertorium: Domine Jesu Je n'aime pas le classique, mais avec Gaspard Proust j'aime bien !