Max Steiner【 共收藏 53 張專輯,493 首歌 】

# 專輯 年份 歌曲列表
1 The Hanging Tree (Highlights from the Original Movie Soundtrack) 2020-07-01 1.Glory Hole
2.Opening Titles (Gold Camp)
3.The Hanging Tree
4.Nail Him to the Hanging Tree! (Final)
5.Dr Frail and Elizabeth
2 Come Here Again With My Best Music 2020-06-28 1.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
2.CaughtEscapeJuan's EntourageProcessional
3.Rescue From The Fortress
4.Sentenced To Exile
5.Evading The Palace Gather
6.Donna Elena's Advances
7.Fighting For Freedom
8.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
10.Song At The Inn
11.The Press Gang
12.Paragon Among Queens
14.Juan exposes Duke Del orca
15.Seeds Of TreacheryCount De Polan Captured
16.Count De Polan's Ring
17.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
18.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
19.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
3 Easter Dance 2020-04-08 1.Main Title
3.House Of Burgesses
4.Return From RussiaFinale
5.Growing Up
6.the surrender
7.Valley Forge
8.The Golden Sword
9.Catherine The Great
11.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
4 A Happy Easter 2020-04-06 1.Madrid
2.Evading The Palace Gather
3.Rescue From The Fortress
4.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
5.Sentenced To Exile
6.The Press Gang
7.Fighting For Freedom
8.Song At The Inn
9.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
10.Juan exposes Duke Del orca
11.count D EPO藍色ring
13.Donna Elena是advance是
14.CaughtEscapeJuans EntourageProcessional
15.The Kings PortraitJuans Arrival At The Palace
16.Paragon Among Queens
17.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
18.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
19.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
5 Xmas Angel 2019-12-14 1.Seeds Of TreacheryCount De Polan Captured
2.Fighting For Freedom
3.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
5.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
7.The Press Gang
8.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
9.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
10.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
11.Paragon Among Queens
12.Eva定the palace gather
13.rescue from T和fortress
14.Donna Elena是advance是
15.Sentenced To Exile
16.Count De Polans Ring
17.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
18.CaughtEscapeJuan's EntourageProcessional
19.Song At The Inn
6 Holy Christmas Voices 2019-12-09 1.Horse-Play
2.Return From RussiaFinale
3.Catherine The Great
4.The Golden Sword
6.main title
7.growing up
8.Valley Forge
10.House Of Burgesses
11.The Surrender
12.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
7 In Love with Max Steiner 2019-09-02 1.Twenty Inches! (Original Mix)
2.War Is Declared - The Death of Charles (Original Mix)
3.In the Library (Original Mix)
4.Tara (Original Mix)
5.Escape from Atlanta (Original Mix)
6.The Barbecue (Original Mix)
7.The New Store (Original Mix)
8.Scarlett in the Mist - Rhett Leaves (Original Mix)
9.scarlet tin shantytown (original mix)
10.paddocks測呢 (original mix)
11.the O hara family (original mix)
12.Belle Watling and Melanie (original mix)
13.twelve oaks (original mix)
14.Scarlett prepares fort和barbecue (original mix)
15.Frank Kennedy Asks for Suellens Hand (Extended Version)
16.At the Bazaar (Original Mix)
17.Melanie and Mammy (Original Mix)
18.Ill Never Be Hungry Again (Original Mix)
19.Flashback - Finale (Original Mix)
20.Twelve Oaks in Ruin - Scarlett Comes Home (Original Mix)
21.Battle Montage (Original Mix)
8 Gone with the Wind (Original Film Soundtrack) 2019-07-24 1.Atlanta in Flames
2.Scarlett Makes Her Demands of Rhett
3.Ashley Returns to Tara from the War Prison
4.Scarlett Falls Down the Staircase
5.Ashley and Scarlett
6.Christmas During the War in Atlanta
7.Bonnie是fatal pony ride
8.Scarlett and Rhett rebuild Tara
9.scarlet tan Dr和TTS first meeting
10.Gone with the Wind (Main Title)
9 Dinner 2019-07-22 1.Growing Up
3.Valley Forge
5.Catherine The Great
6.House Of Burgesses
8.main title
9.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
10.The Golden Sword
11.The Surrender
12.Return From RussiaFinale
10 Deluxe Edition 2019-07-09 1.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
2.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
3.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
4.Fighting For Freedom
5.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
7.Sentenced To Exile
10.Paragon Among Queens
11.Main Title
13.caught escape Juan說entourage processional
14.Valley Forge
15.Seeds Of TreacheryCount De Polan Captured
16.Song At The Inn
17.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
18.Growing Up
19.Catherine The Great
20.The Press Gang
22.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
23.The Surrender
24.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
25.Donna Elena's Advances
26.House Of Burgesses
27.Count De Polan's Ring
28.Return From RussiaFinale
29.The Golden Sword
30.Evading The Palace Gather
11 Redwood Tree 2019-06-17 1.House Of Burgesses
3.Main Title
5.growing up
6.The Golden Sword
7.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
8.Catherine The Great
9.Valley Forge
10.The Surrender
11.Return From RussiaFinale
12 Nightingale 2019-05-11 1.House Of Burgesses
4.Growing Up
5.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
7.The Golden Sword
8.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
9.Donna Elena是advance是
10.the Kings portrait Juan說arrival ATT和palace
11.main title
13.count D EPO藍色ring ATT和inn
15.sentenced to exile
16.fighting for freedom
17.the press gang
18.Catherine The Great
19.Return From RussiaFinale
20.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
13 Timeless 2019-05-04 1.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
2.The Golden Sword
3.Growing Up
4.House Of Burgesses
5.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
6.count D EPO藍色ring
7.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
8.sentenced to exile
9.paragon among Queens
12.dangerous Waters the first landing of T和U. S. Marines
13.the surrender
15.fencing master hall of flags
16.the chapel the loyalist gather
17.rescue from T和fortress
18.main title
19.valley forge
20.Fighting For Freedom
21.The Press Gang
22.Death Of Duke De Lorca Don Juan Bids Farewell To Margaret The Road To Lisbon
23.Song At The Inn
24.CaughtEscapeJuans EntourageProcessional
14 Magic Winter Sounds 2018-12-28 1.Sentenced To Exile
2.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
4.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
5.The Press Gang
6.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
7.Valley Forge
8.House Of Burgesses
9.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
10.Paragon Among Queens
11.Growing Up
13.the Golden sword
14.Eva定the palace gather
15.fighting for freedom
17.dangerous Waters the first landing of T和U. S. Marines
18.the chapel the loyalist gather
19.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
21.rescue from T和fortress
22.count D EPO藍色ring
23.main title
24.CaughtEscapeJuans EntourageProcessional
25.The Surrender
26.Catherine The Great
28.Song At The Inn
29.Donna Elenas Advances
30.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
15 It Sparkles And Shines 2018-10-11 1.Return From RussiaFinale
2.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
3.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
4.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
6.The Golden Sword
7.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
8.Donna Elena's Advances
9.Madrid ATT和inn
12.paragon among Queens
13.sentenced to exile
14.growing up
15.Juan exposes Duke Del orca
16.the press gang
17.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
18.Evading The Palace Gather
19.CaughtEscapeJuans EntourageProcessional
20.Fighting For Freedom
16 Swan Lake In The Winter 2018-10-07 1.The Golden Sword
2.Growing Up
3.House Of Burgesses
5.return from Russia finale
6.valley forge
7.the surrender
9.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
10.Main Title
11.Catherine The Great
17 Sheet Music 2018-09-17 1.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
2.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
3.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
4.Evading The Palace Gather
5.Sentenced To Exile
6.Paragon Among Queens
8.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
9.The Surrender
10.Song At The Inn
12.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured of burgesses
14.the Kings portrait Juan說arrival ATT和palace
16.the Golden sword
18.Count De Polans Ring
20.Catherine The Great
21.CaughtEscapeJuans EntourageProcessional
22.Growing Up
23.The Press Gang
24.Donna Elenas Advances
25.Valley Forge
26.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
27.Return From RussiaFinale
28.Rescue From The Fortress
29.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
30.Fighting For Freedom
18 Fallen 2018-09-06 1.House Of Burgesses
2.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
3.Rescue From The Fortress
4.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
5.CaughtEscapeJuan's EntourageProcessional
6.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
7.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
9.Evading The Palace Gather
10.Song At The Inn
12.Main Title
13.Return From RussiaFinale
14.the Kings portrait Juan說arrival ATT和palace
17.fighting for freedom
18.Donna Elena是advance是
19.valley forge
20.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
21.growing up
22.the Golden sword
23.the press gang
24.Catherine the great
26.The Surrender
27.Count De Polans Ring
28.Paragon Among Queens
29.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
30.Sentenced To Exile
19 Mystic Moments 2018-08-14 1.Fighting For Freedom
2.Evading The Palace Gather
3.Sentenced To Exile
4.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
6.Song At The Inn
7.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
9.the Kings portrait Juan說arrival ATT和palace
10.caught escape Juan說entourage processional
11.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
12.DEA to風Duke Del orca Don Juan bids farewell to Margaret the road to Lisbon
13.fencing master hall of flags
14.rescue from T和fortress
15.Paragon Among Queens
16.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
17.Donna Elenas Advances
18.Count De Polans Ring
19.The Press Gang
20 ***** Cat 2018-08-14 1.Return From RussiaFinale
2.Valley Forge
4.The Golden Sword
5.growing up
6.the surrender
7.Catherine the great
8.dangerous Waters the first landing of T和U. S. Marines
9.House Of Burgesses
12.Main Title
21 Rooftop Storys 2018-07-10 1.Main Title
3.The Golden Sword
4.House Of Burgesses
5.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
6.growing up
7.the surrender
9.valley forge
11.Catherine The Great
12.Return From RussiaFinale
22 Super Top Hits 2018-07-08 1.Valley Forge
2.Sentenced To Exile
4.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
5.Main Title
6.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
7.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
8.The Golden Sword
9.paragon among Queens
10.the surrender
11.caught escape Juan說entourage processional
13.the chapel the loyalist gather
14.fencing master hall of flags
15.return from Russia finale
17.Dorothea of burgesses
20.A short lived Reformation end title
21.count D EPO藍色ring
22.growing up
23.rescue from T和fortress
24.seeds of treachery count D EPO藍captured
25.fighting for freedom
26.Donna Elenas Advances
27.Evading The Palace Gather
28.Song At The Inn
29.The Press Gang
30.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
23 The Best Hits 2018-07-03 1.Unmasked
2.A Short Lived ReformationEnd Title
3.Paragon Among Queens
4.Sentenced To Exile
5.Fencing MasterHall Of Flags
6.Song At The Inn
8.CaughtEscapeJuan's EntourageProcessional
9.Deat Of Duke De LorcaDon Juan Bids Farewell To MargaretThe Road To Lisbon
10.The King's PortraitJuan's Arrival At The Palace
12.Seeds Of TreacheryCount De Polan Captured
13.House Of Burgesses
14.Evading The Palace Gather
15.Valley Forge
16.Fighting For Freedom
18.the surrender
19.the Golden sword
20.Donna Elena是advance是
21.main title
22.return from Russia finale
23.The ChapelThe Loyalist Gather
24.Juan Exposes Duke De Lorca
25.Dangerous WatersThe First Landing Of The U. S. Marines
26.Growing Up
27.Rescue From The Fortress
28.The Press Gang
29.Catherine The Great
30.Count De Polans Ring
24 Casablanca 2014-12-13 1.Medley: Main TitlePrologue (AfricaLa MarseillaiseRefugeStreet SceneOrdersRoundupThief) (From "Casablanca")
2.Medley: It Had to Be You - Shine (From "Casablanca")
3.Arrival of Ilsa and Victor at Rick's - Love for Sale (From "Casablanca")
4.Rick Confronts Ilsa and Laszlo (From "Casablanca")
5.Medley (Die Wacht Am RheinLa Marseillaise) (From "Casablanca")
6.Rick and Renault - The Very Thoughts of You (From "Casablanca")
7.Ilsa Returns to Rick's (From "Casablanca")
8.Of All the Gin Joints in All the Towns in All the World... (From "Casablanca")
9.Ilsa Demands the Letters (From "Casablanca")
10.Knock on Wood (From "Casablanca")
11.Medley: At La Belle Aurore (From "Casablanca")
12.Medley: Paris Montage (From "Casablanca")
13.Play It Sam... Play "As Time Goes By" (Avalon - As Time Goes By) (From "Casablanca")
14.Airport FinaleHere's Looking at You, Kid (From "Casablanca")
25 Buck The Trend 1.A summer place
26 Turn On The Knobs 1.Vento Caldo
27 Art Collection 1.Vento Caldo
28 The Golden Age of Light Music: Cinema Classics: Songs and Themes from Theatre 1.Tara's Theme (from the film 'Gone With The Wind')
29 Go Riding 1.Vento Caldo
30 Red Dead Redemption 2 Soundtrack Highlights 1.The Searchers (Remastered)
31 Buck The Trend 1.A Summer Place
32 Pure... 60s 1.the theme from "A summer place"
33 Turn on, Tune In - Sounds of the Best Tv Adverts of 2016 Vol. 1 1.Pirates - The Adventures of Mark Twain (From the H&M "Essentials David Beckham" T.V. Advert)
34 The Golden Age of Light Music: Thats Light Musical Entertainment 1.“Since You Went Away” Incidental Music from the film
35 Pure... Chillout 1.Theme from "A Summer Place"
36 Sax alto e ritmi 1.Scandalo al sole
37 Plays Acoustic Sounds: Cinematic II, Chamber Music, Vol. 8 1.Tara說theme
38 Great Original Movie Themes 1.Gone With The Wind
39 Piano Soundtracks 1.A Summer Place
40 50 Original Film Soundtracks, Great Moments & Overtures 1.gone with T和wind (main tittle)
41 Best MARIA SCHELL Movie Themes 1.Dr frail and Elizabeth (from the hanging tree) (1959)
42 Arrive In Style 1.Theme From "The Dark At The Top Of The Stairs
43 Highlights of Billy May 1.A Summer Place (Theme)
44 A Streetcar Named Desire (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 1.since you went away
45 Bogart to Bond - Soundtrack to a Century 1 1.Gone With the Wind
46 American Classics (2 CDs) 1.Gone With The Wind - Music From The Motion Picture
47 Litter Of Kittens 1.Theme From The Dark At The Top Of The Stairs
48 Greatest Soundtrack Themes, Vol. 1 1.Tara's Theme (From "Gone with the Wind" Original Soundtrack)
49 Classic Cinema 1.Gone with the Wind [Main Theme]
50 Take It Easy: Easy Listening 1.The Theme from a Summer Place
51 Sax Solo, Vol. 2 1.Vento caldo
52 In That Golden Summer Time 1.theme from A summer place
53 Great Epic Western Themes 1.The Searchers
2.Dodge City
3.The Oklahoma Kid