Beat by blade901
mix by duzzy
i wrote a love song for u but now its over/為你寫了首情歌但現在結束了
i lose my mind cause for u but now its over/因為你失去理智現在終於解脫
i was planned for the future but now its over/計劃過我們的未來現在不得不停止
i've tried to stopping thinking about you
now i cant get sober/我嘗試過不再想你還是失敗了
yeah we are falling in the dusk/我們相戀在黃昏
I thought you were diamond in the dust/我以為你是塵土裡的鑽石
i mma savage i mma so crazy/我太莽撞了
now bae i mma so fuxk up/才弄得現在一團糟
when i was losting in da nightmare /當我迷失在噩夢裡
i cant find the right way/找不到出去的路
U should leave me from the start/才想起來一開始你就該離開我
instead of waste my time bae/而不是浪費彼此的時間
i aint hate u no more no more/我不再恨你了
U bring my heart but so what so what/你帶走了我的心又怎麼樣呢
u used to be my whole world whole world/你曾是我的全世界
now everything is over over/現在全都結束了
i aint hate u no more no more/我不再恨你了
U break my heart but so what so what/你傷害了我的心又怎麼樣呢
u used to be my whole world whole world/你曾是我的全世界
now everything is over over /現在全都結束了
bae u dont need to afraid/你不用害怕
我一定選擇忘記whatever what u gonna say
but my heart aint stone/但我的心又不是石頭
I was sad that something i can't make u satisfy/不能滿足你所有需要我也很難過
cant forget anything bout u even deep in my mind/可我不僅忘不了你的一切甚至刻在了腦海
I was sad that something i can't make u satisfy/不能滿足你的所有需要我也很難過
u said that u love me but i know thats a lie
i aint hate u no more no more/我不再恨你了
U bring my heart but so what so what/你帶走了我的心又怎麼樣呢
u used to be my whole world whole world/你曾是我的全世界
now everything is over over/現在全都結束了
i aint hate u no more no more/我不再恨你了
U break my heart but so what so what/你傷害了我的心又怎麼樣呢
u used to be my whole world whole world/你曾是我的全世界
now everything is over over/現在全都結束了