Cuz You dont wanna fxxk with me(因為你不會想要跟我有麻煩的)
哥們儿I dont give a fxxk
You dont real talk, You just talk, stop it(不會說真話只會在網上嗶嗶賴賴的你還是算了吧)
cuz you dont really talk(因為你講不出東西來)
You really talk it didnt walk it(你說的到但做不到)
Fxxk it Cuz you done really svck(因為你是真的不行)
We top it off 當我看著下面的人還在往上爬
我罵著Fxxk what you mean Fxxk you mean
I dont give a fxxk
這就是你們喜歡的Rapstar huh
I dont give a ****bout whacha gonna say.(我才不在乎你們說什麼)
I dont give a ****bout what Im gonna pay.(我不在乎代價是什麼)
**** this game.Let blood rust my blade.(這個遊戲太糟糕了,我就沒倒下過)
Still Sounds same.Im biting off your face.(還是老樣子,我贏了。)
Aint it crazy if I do that?(這樣子的我是不是瘋了?)
Death is so easy.Just two steps.(身敗名裂是很容易的。)
I promise that you will have a new bag.(我保證,你會有個新的袋子來裝自己)
If send it to your parents.Theyll feel sad.(這是雙親完全無法接受的東西。 )
Slaughter my enemy.Give it my melody.Gather my energy.Honor my family.(我只是在做我自己應該做的)
Slaughter your family.Rob your energy.Turn down your melody.Honor your enemy.(有恩報恩,有仇必報)
Thats what Im doing cuz I just wanna do it.(我不需要什麼理由)
If you ask for the reason.Well.Sorry,You deserve it .(如果一定要刨根問底的話,就是活該)
Keep faking my story.Keep dirting my glory.(繼續啊,我看看你還有什麼花招)
Keep making me worried.Why you envy always? (我真的很為你擔心啊,你怎麼一天到晚都在吃檸檬啊。)
Ive lost everything and everyone Ive used to love.(我曾失去了我所有的東西)
Vows means nothing,just collapse into dust.(誓言彷彿只是為了崩塌而生的)
I hate to play the story which is me wrote these plots.(我討厭活成自己故事裡的人)
And all the things,the voices talking.Thats enough.(我受夠了內心那種竊竊私語的聲音)
Thats what happening they dont wanna let me know.(這是他們沒告訴我的)
I cant fail any more.It makes me feel choked.(一想到我必須成功就覺得喘不上來氣)
Still focus on my way.Make sure I seize my hope.(抓緊我的希望,我只關注我腳下的路)
They dont give a **** whether I like it.Thats my road. (誰都不在乎我喜不喜歡,但這就是我的路。)