Timothy Robinson/Luba Orgonášová/Iris Vermillion/Franz Hawlata/Quintino & Blasterjaxx/Orchestra dellAccademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia Beethoven 2020 – large vocal works Beethoven 2020 – large vocal works


# 專輯歌曲
1 Der glorreiche Augenblick, Op. 136:4. "Das Auge schaut"
2 Der glorreiche Augenblick, Op. 136:5. "Der den Bund im Sturme festgehalten"

Timothy Robinson/Luba Orgonášová/Iris Vermillion/Franz Hawlata/Quintino & Blasterjaxx/Orchestra dellAccademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia熱門專輯

# 專輯
1 Beethoven: symphony no.9 choral
2 Mozart: Requiem adagio安定fugue
3 OM IO BA BBIN OCA RO - famous soprano arias from Italian opera
4 Beethoven 2020 – large vocal works
5 POULENC, F.: GloriaHONEGGER, A.: Symphony No. 3, "Liturgique" (Orgonasova, Netherlands Radio Choir, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, J
6 Szymanowski: Songs
7 Mozart: Requiem & Adagio and Fugue
8 MAHLER, G.: Symphony No. 2, "Resurrection" (Rubens, Vermillion, Leipzig Radio Choir, Stuttgart Radio Symphony, Norrington)
9 FlammenAct 2
10 BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 9
11 Sinfini Music: Best Choral
12 Thomas Hampson: A Portrait (Inspiration)
13 Schulhoff: Flammen
14 Lo sposo deluso, K.430
15 Brahms, Mahler: Lieder
16 SCHULHOFF, E.: Flammen [Opera] (R. Very, I. Vermillion, S. Friede, Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Vienna Radio Symphony, B. de Billy)
17 50 Greatest Royal Classics
18 The Very Best Of Thomas Hampson
20 The Classical Guide to Beethoven
21 Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde
22 Autumnal Bruckner
23 Beethoven: Folksong Arrangements
24 Verdi Arias
25 Mozart 225 - Concert Arias
26 Magical Melodies: Beethoven
27 Start Your Day With Beethoven
28 Messa da Requiem
29 Verdi: RequiemQuattro Pezzi Sacri
30 Mozart: Complete Edition Vol.11: Vespers, Oratorios etc