1 |
Magic Music |
2 |
Sandrine |
3 |
Winter Is Here (Instrumental) |
4 |
Winter Is Here |
5 |
Hear My Love |
6 |
Sea Motet |
7 |
Psalms (Instrumental) |
8 |
Hands of God |
9 |
La Ballade |
10 |
La Ballade (Instrumental) |
11 |
Sitting by the Radio |
12 |
Sitting by the Radio (Instrumental) |
13 |
Magic Music (Instrumental) |
14 |
Sandrine (Instrumental) |
15 |
sea motet (instrumental) |
16 |
hands of God (instrumental) |
17 |
April sonata (instrumental) |
18 |
step beyond (instrumental) |
19 |
April sonata |
20 |
memories of war |
21 |
Step Beyond |
22 |
Ready to Love |
23 |
Psalms |
24 |
Hear My Love (Instrumental) |
25 |
Memories of War (Instrumental) |
26 |
Ready to Love (Instrumental) |