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最近的我和我在想的事以及在意的人事物 |
2019-06 |
1.bidibi swing (feat. Conehead 錐頭, _tarolin & D.J. Kool Klone)
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Intangible ISM Presents Vol.1 - Beautiful Struggle |
1.troubled times
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Obscure晦澀 |
1.倒回鍵 (Flash Back Button)
2.咆咆咆咆咆咆勃 (Beeeeee-Bop)
3.模糊的夢 (Blurred Dream)
4.放客頭! (Funkyhead!)
5.浮在... (float on...)
6.深夜恐懼 (Nightphobia)
7.塵光 (Dust Light)
8.搖動的房間 (Wonky Room)
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老電影Old Cine Film |
1.叫化子 (the old beggar)
2.拌嘴 (sparring-partners)
3.揭竿起義 (Rising Revolt)
4.黑心勾當 (adulterated goods)
5.荒誕年月 (the absurd times)
6.土霸王 (local tyrant)
7.離經叛道 (out of orthodoxy)
8.講故事 (profound story)
9.開場 (Opening)
10.小徑 (path)
11.老骨頭 (old bones)
12.擦肩而過(brushing past)
13.離家 (runaway from home)
14.相遇 (encounter)
15.膠著 (deadlock)
16.採茶女 (pick tea girl)
17.晴和雨 (Rain and shine)
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BEATMAKERS 大隊接力 Beat Cyper mixes |
1.大隊接力 Beat Cypher – 4月 2017 (台北 x 成都)