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Trailer Trash |
2014-08-03 |
1.Believe It Or Not (Ft. Karr) [Prod. Rellim]
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Blue - Green - Yellow (Objective "G") |
1.Things Fall Apart (Prod. Jean Kengz)
2.Julianna Interlude (Prod. Lil AJnothing,nowhere.)
3.Orlando Magic () [Prod. The Mekanics]
4.Played With Stars (Prod. LordQuan)
5.South Beach (Prod. D-errick) Bonus
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LeDieu |
1.HolUp [Hermes] (ft. Key Nyata) [Prod. Arm$trongHoop Dream]
2.purple saki (Apollo) [Prod. C. JusticeGenesi$]
3.DaDurty [Hades] (ft. Wifisfuneral) [Prod. PHVNTXM]
4.Moments (Chronos) [Prod. Lytton Scott]
5.Copyrights (Cronus) [Prod. Arm$trongJayO Beats]
6.Slow MotionHow Being Cheated On Sounds (Aphrodite) [Prod. Dj LuxuriousIsis Payne]
7.FIN [Chaos]
8.Loyalty (Ares) [Prod. NewDersey]
9.Believe It Or Not [Zeus] (ft. Karr) [Prod. Rellim]
10.We No Like U (Dionysus) [Prod. WTCHCRFTK A Z U M A]