Mikhail Kit【 共收藏 6 张专辑,39 首歌 】

# 专辑 年份 歌曲列表
1 Semyon Kotko, Op.81Act 3 1.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 1. Scene 1:Igr?? Spektakli?
2.War and Peace Op.91 - original version:"Padumajte grafin'a"
3.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 4. Scene 2:Strazha veryovku!
4.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 1. Scene 1:Bedniy s?n!
5.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 4. Scene 2:Tron v poryadke?
6.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 2. Scene 2:Divertisment nomer perv?y!
7.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 2. Scene 2:Ti podnimayesh ruku na ottsa?
8.The love for three oranges. Op.33 -Act 2.:Scene 2 - Kha-kha...Kha-kha-kha...
9.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 2. Scene 2:Divertisment nomer vtoroy!
10.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"U vas vse vremja sum kakoj-to"
11.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 3. Scene 3:Smeraldina...s bulavkoy...
12.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"Ne dovol'no l'"
13.War and Peace Op.91 - original version:"Pashla rib'ata!"
14.War and Peace Op.91 - original version:"Karabli sazheny"
15.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"Sista...sista...sista..."
16.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 2. Scene 2:Tri apelsina...tri apelsina
17.Semyon Kotko Op.81Act 5:Oy gore lyutoye gore! (Scene 1)
2 Prokofiev: Love for Three Oranges 1.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 1. Scene 1:Bedniy s?n!
2.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 3. Scene 3:Smeraldina...s bulavkoy...
3.The love for three oranges. Op.33 - Act 1. Scene 1:Igr?? Spektakli?
3 Prince IgorAct 3 1.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Act 3:Finale: "Knjaz'Igor'uskakal!"
2.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Act 1:No.2 Chorus of Polovtsian Maidens: "Na bezvod'i dnem na solnce"
3.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Act 1:"Solnce za goroj uchidit na pokoj"
4.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:"Puskaj sebe idut"
5.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:"Knaz'ja pora nam vystupat'"
6.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Act 1:No.3 Dance of the Polovtsian Maidens
7.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:No.1 Introduction: "Solncu krasnomu slava!"
8.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:"Tebe kak bratu ee ja porucaju"
9.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Ed.Compl. & orch. Glazounov (1865-1936):Overture
10.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:"Idem na bran's vragom Rusi!"
11.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Act 1:No.5 Scena and Chorus: "Podrugi devicy"
12.Prince Igor - Mariinsky Theatre Edition - Prologue:"Ach lada moja lada!"
13.Prince IgorAct 1:Cavatina: "Merknet svet dnevnoj"
4 Prokofiev: War and Peace (3 CDs) 1.War and Peace, Op.91 - original version:"Karabli sazheny"
2.War and Peace, Op.91 - original version:"Pashla, rib'ata!"
5 Prokofiev: The Fiery Angel 1.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"Sista...sista...sista..."
2.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"Ne dovol'no l'"
3.The Fiery Angel Op.37Act 1:"U vas vse vremja sum kakoj-to"
6 Mariinsky Theatre: Great Russian Opera 1.Ruslan and LyudmilaAct 5:"Kogo nam bogi shlyut?"