Well I Need To Be Alone
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to say hello to myself
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to sing my song to the wall
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to try to catch the moon
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to stay awake to the dawn
It's so hard to be alone
and the wall will never konw
And she doesn't even try
There so many people walk alone
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to tell you how
How I need you like I need
Nothing but to be alone
But I have to be alone
and the moon will never know
How I need to try to find
find my way to prove myself
Well I need to be alone
alone enough to tell you how
How I need you like I need
Nothing but to be alone
瑞华33回馈典藏系列22:侯德健流行篇 专辑歌曲
侯德健 热门歌曲
# | 专辑 | |
1 | 热门华语233 | |
2 | 新鞋子、旧鞋子(候德健作品83-84) | |
3 | 精选辑 | |
4 | 瑞华33回馈典藏系列7-程琳流行篇 | |
5 | 瑞华33回馈典藏系列22:侯德健流行篇 | |
6 | 搭错车 音乐剧原声带 | |
7 | 新鞋子、旧鞋子(候德健作品83-84) | |
8 | 侯德健作品集(83-84) | |
9 | 再回首 我们的时代 | |
10 | 龙的传人续篇 | |
11 | 卅岁以后才明白 | |
12 | 其他歌曲 |