Too Far From You
Some nights I don't sleep at all
有些晚上 彻夜无眠
I lie awake with my eyes closed
眼已闭上 心却清醒
Some days I'm inside a cloud
有些日子 身在云端
So tired I just float around
疲倦无力 随波逐流
再一次 我迷路了
And I'm lost again
I'm lost
Too far from you
我本以为 时间 会冲淡你的脸
曾经笃定 别人 能擦除过往
I thought time would fade your face
为何 生锈的心如此沉重
Was sure that others could erase
如今 我不知怎么走下去
What my heart felt so deep it's bronzed
再一次 我迷路了
Now I don't know what's going on
And I'm lost again
离 令我沉静的海水 太远
I'm lost
离 令我翩翩起舞的歌谣 太远
Too far from you
这是那种 透不过气的感觉
这么久了 还是摆脱不掉
Too far from that body of water
那一刻 感到窒息的重量
Too far from songs that kept me dancing round
压在心上 无法搬开
It's the kind that cannot break
All this time I still can't shake
再一次 我迷路了
The moment that we knew it's weight
And could not let it slip away
再一次 我迷路了
And I'm lost again
离你 太 远
I'm lost
I'm lost again
I'm lost
And I'm lost again
I'm lost
Too far from you