CIPI (Against The Machine)
I've been deep deep deep deeply depressed
'Get help', they might suggest Trash talk, I take offence
Might as well just band my chest Won't sit my ass on sofas
(不如把我的胸脯绑起来 别让我坐在沙发上)
Stop spitting nonsense, get me something else Something classy, SOS
(别再胡说八道了,给我拿点好东西 救救我)
I'm a mess
Classified a nutcase
Big fish, it's a jug I am swimming in
Big picture, a bug
I'm a bug and I crawled my way here
(我是一只瓢虫 我爬到了这里来)
Cipi, I'm a pessimist
But you think you can mess with me
You think you are the boss of me
But most the time you're my *****
My ***** has white eyes
Chill, come down for us
Off the rail, wipe the dust
bestie, bring the best of me
infinite, invincibly
My lover, steady guide dog
(我的爱人 稳重的导盲犬)
Stop walking sideways
Get me on the track
Back on deck, I'm on the edge
****ing trap
Get straight on the jacket
Big fish, it's a net they caught me in
(大于 他们是用网把我抓起来的)
Peaceful protest, cause we both know the ending
(和平抗议, 因为我们都知道结局)
Cipi, I'm a pessimist
But you think you can mess with me
You think you are the boss of me
But most the time you're my *****
My ***** has white eyes
统筹 : Tommy Cui/冯若兮
发行 : 刘阳春晓
监制 : 钱伟荣
出品人 : 李宏杰
出品公司 : Elec.Girl 带电女孩