Hey Brother
Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover
嘿 兄弟!重新探索之路何其漫长
Hey sister, no the water's sweet but blood is thicker
嘿 姐妹!即便清泉万般甘冽 血毕竟浓于水
Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down,
for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
Hey brother, do you still belive in one another
嘿 兄弟!是否依旧相信彼此?
Hey sister, do you still belive in love I wonder
嘿 姐妹!是否依旧相信真爱的存在?
Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down,
for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
即使我背井离乡?噢 兄弟,我会听到你的呼唤
What if I'm far from home, oh brother I would hear your calls
即使我倾尽所有,噢 姐妹,我会帮你摆脱困境
What if I'd lose it all, oh sister I'd help you then
噢 如果天空塌落!为了你
Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down,
for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
嘿 兄弟!重新探索之路何其漫长
嘿 姐妹!是否依旧相信真爱的存在?
Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover
噢 如果天空塌落!为了你
Hey sister, do you still belive in love I wonder
Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down,
即使我背井离乡?噢 兄弟,我会听到你的呼唤
for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
即使我倾尽所有,噢 姐妹,我会帮你摆脱困境
噢 如果天空塌落!为了你
What if I'm far from home, oh brother I would hear your calls
What if I'd lose it all, oh sister I'd help you then
Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down,
for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do