歌手 Kundie Shallow

Tell me something girl
Are you happy in this modern world
Or do you need more
Is there something else you're searching for
I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
Tell me something boy

Aren't you tired trying to fill that void
Or do you need more
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore
I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
I'm off the deep end watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
In the shallow shallow
In the shallow shallow
In the shallow shallow
We're far from the shallow now
I'm off the deep end watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
In the shallow shallow
In the shallow shallow
In the shallow shallow
We're far from the shallow now

Shallow 专辑歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
Shallow Kundie  Shallow

Kundie 热门歌曲

歌曲 歌手 专辑
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生而为匠 Kundie  你我【生而为匠】
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烟雨行舟 Kundie  一帘清梦幽幽醉阑珊
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感知 Kundie  感知
如遇(翻自 脸红的思春期) Kundie  【新春贺岁曲】如遇
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她本身 Kundie  她本身
一生等你 Kundie  一生等你
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I Miss You Kundie  韩翻
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