I say road to the glory oh man
seems like I killed it all right
aim makes me feeling so high aye
Road to the glory oh man
feel like you got me well fine
I dont want that ********
You better hurry
if you wanna get that crown
Road to the glory
Woke up in the morning
听 fakers在人群装逼
他们 仅凭 那几句 漂亮 的言语
Keep it real 诠释我的人生
理想try to steal像Allen Iverson
Howd u feel道路有些沉闷
But it not until直到荣耀达成
Get to the moment
the fxxking slogan
And we get to the moment
Regret the **** things happen
We Get to the moment
Forget the fxxking slogan
And we get to the moment get on the road
And the road is what we fxxking fighting for
I say road to the glory oh man
seems like I killed it all right
aim makes me feeling so high aye
Road to the glory oh man
feel like you got me well fine
I dont want that ********
You better hurry
if you wanna get that crown
Damn I stayed up late
Then I woke up late
Almost missed my test
That I lose my faith
从来没 想要为了谁
理清错与对 that I say hey
Life is really crazy 不能依靠谁 只能自己追
宁静致远如何 实现
所剩时间划过 指尖
继续试炼通过 质检
背上行囊启程 历险
Get to the moment
Forget the fxxking slogan
And we get to the moment
Regret the **** things happen
We Get to the moment
Forget the fxxking slogan
And we get to the moment get on the road
And the road is what we fxxking fighting for
I say road to the glory oh man
seems like I killed it all right
aim makes me feeling so high aye
Road to the glory oh man
feel like you got me well fine
I dont want that ********
You better hurry
if you wanna get that crown