Body In Motion
Every rock you ever thrown
Has come back down on you
都会向你飞回来 用力将你砸中
And the stone wind
And the words that you said are gonna haunt you
你曾经所说的伤人话语 只会让你惶惶不可终日
You're gonna have to own them
A body a body that's in motion
Will remain in motion
Unless acted upon
除非你缴械投降 做出妥协
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳
There is an equal reaction
For every action
Opposite in kind
即使方式相反 背道而驰
So if hell cannot conqueror hell
The devil cannot drive out himself
They're telling me you want to live by the soul
人们告诉我说你想靠着你的灵魂 永存于世
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳
Body body in the motion wave in the motion
这具空洞的躯体 就在这节奏中不断舞动 保持着兴奋
Body body in the motion wave in the motion
这具空洞的躯体 就在这节奏中不断舞动 保持着兴奋
Body body in the motion wave in the motion
这具空洞的躯体 就在这节奏中不断舞动 保持着兴奋
Body body in the motion wave in the motion
这具空洞的躯体 就在这节奏中不断舞动 保持着兴奋
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳
White like ghosts
面色惨白 宛若鬼魂
Telling these thoughts you hold over someone else
告诉你内心深处的想法 你的怀里正躺着别人
White like bones
身形消瘦 惨如白骨
The very same ones you're going to reckon with yourself
你的精神已被这一切侵蚀 只剩这一具空壳