Skinny OG
Men live and die with 3 big demons: Greed and evil and lust 贪念、邪念、嗔痴三大恶魔伴人生死。
- some teach religion about Jesus when they’re stealing from us - 有的人,在盗取我人民们的财富时,还要教化我等信仰上帝。
- that’s probably the biggest reason why the world is corrupt - 这或许是让这世界如此腐朽的最大原因。
- the church is rich but African people aren’t eating enough!- 强盗们的教堂,座座富丽堂皇,而如此同时,非洲的人民们食尚不果腹!
White Demons!他们都是白色的恶魔!
Men Qattiq Waqirdim Pushayman Qilmaymen Dep我大喊大叫着说 我做过的每一件事我都不会后悔
Eyni Waqit Qaytidin Kelse Tallaydighinim Yenila Rep如果我能回到曾经的话 我会依然选择说唱
Rohimda Birxil Qudretlik Kushning Rol Oynawatqanliqini Sezdim我感到有一股强大的力量在自己身上
Qilghan Ishlirim Nurghun Bolsimu Nurghun Jahanlarni Kezdim我做过很多的事情 一次次见识了人心和世道
Jengchiler Aldinqi Septe Baturane Jeng Qilwatidu战士们在前线英勇作战
Nurghunlar Bar Eserni Bilmey Emgek Miwisini Chushenmey Watidu很多人不知道心血也不了解作品的劳动成果
Kan Ishchiliri Quduq Astida Meshxulat Elip Baridu矿工们在井下寻找宝石
Ekische Nurghun Yaxshi Eserler Bar Kumulup Kitip Qalidu相反有很多好的作品被埋了
Ashqazanning Hezim Qilish Roli 胃有消化作用
Bu Dorining Ekis Tesiri Normisi Paydiliq Roli Tallisang Nochisini这个药有副作用(定额)好的作用(择优)
Kordum isilini igiz Turwalghan Peslirini 我见到了上乘的也见到了许多鄙人和小人
Mendin Hemmini Dorap Baqting Tapalmiding Sen Dorisini你都模仿过我了 但你找不到药了
Bu Sahede Nurghun ishni Qilalaysen Sen你在这个领域能做很多事
izdinip Tiriship Tirmiship iriship Netijengni Yuqatmighin Sen押韵(探索 努力 挣扎 得到)人不能过于贪婪 不要把事物跟感情相比 你们不要迷失方向失去成绩和能量
Sen Hem Xeliq Uqutquchisi Bulush Uchun Deymen Ulargha Yaxshi Ulge Bulush Kerek 对 我指的是所有人 当人民老师没那么容易 所以我说 要给他们做好榜样
Bu yolda nurghun ish boldi这些年发生了很多事
talighan yoldin kim tande是谁放弃了当初的选择
Azmidi yanmidi tunmidi bilmidichembirekte kim qaldi是谁保持自己的原则,一直混在圈子里
Sen saxlaysen Koremeysen ghelbe bizgila mensup你看不惯我,又干不过我,我们才是冠军
Aldermaymen tosammaysen flow rem saga yemchuk我不着急,慢慢等你 ,你的歌词又很滑稽
Dap dap Dap kozlimey hergiz nep 没有什么东西能诱惑我
Ap ap kalsela tikiwetimen ahzenggha qapiyeni aldermay yep我会把我的押韵,塞进你嘴里,让你消化
xep dep pushaymanda oynemayse ketti rep你会后悔跟我比,让你再也玩不起说唱
kimti deyse otkurbu yurukugdiki birden bir dap不要再惹我,我们就是黑魔
Skinny OG
And if the Gods came down in a chariot now and asked 若此时上帝降临欲驭世间,他若问我:“为何这世界如此之肮脏me why the world is so foul and how to change it around? ,该如何才能够改变它啊?”I would tell them to get a chair because they need to sit down, 我会反问他:“先搬把椅子来坐下吧,您时间充裕吗?and how much time do they want to listen, because this will take many hours!因为此事三言两语讲不清!”
For example from day to evening we see people with luck 举例说,我们成天到晚都看得到运气好的人。- in the city or television or computer with much - 或住在城里的,或电视出境的,或网络红火的,这样的人很多很多。- how did they get it? We are never jealous, work is a must - 是什么让他们变得那么“幸运”?我们不好奇也不嫉妒,因为坚信能者多劳。- but Europeans robbed the Africans, left them in the dust!- 但我看到,欧罗巴人侵略了非洲大地,在掠夺了资源与财富后,将各族人民抛弃在了荒芜的土壤上!Harriet Tubman freed a hundred slaves because she was tough 我还看到,哈莉特·塔布曼是位勇者,她曾恢复了上白名黑人的自由身。- but what about the ones who were punished when they didn’t run? 但是那些因没有及时逃亡被捉回惩治的黑人们呢?And sister Rosa Parks was forced to sit in the back of the bus, 以及被迫坐在公共汽车最后排的罗萨帕尔克斯姐妹,even though she was old if a white man came she had to stand up!当一名白人走到身边,就算她衰老无力也须站起让座!If they say why why why 要是有人问,凭什么?为什么?图什么?- tell them that it’s Human Nature just like Mike Mike Mike, - 迈克尔杰克逊会告诉他们,都是人性所驱。the Michael Jackson song was saying 这首迈克尔杰克逊的歌在唱着- because the white white white demons came as the invaders - 因为白色的魔鬼们以侵略者盘踞在人间- now we cry cry cry - but dry your tears because times are changing- 我们在哭泣 - 但仍要将泪水擦干,世界时刻在变,We work hard just to survive, playing music while we ride, 为了生存,我们拼搏,创作音乐证明我们的存在,with the HipHop in our ears like Higher Brothers Made in China 耳畔响起的hiphop音乐,是“海尔兄弟”的《中国制造》。- with my iPhone wearing Nike sneakers, look up at the sky, - 脚穿耐克,手持iPhone,我看着天空,how can I see the light? I’m blinded by this sun that’s in my eyes!想着如何能寻找到光明?可阳光刺入双眼,刺痛了我的眼睛!
Men live and die with 3 big demons: Greed and evil and lust 贪念、邪念、嗔痴三大恶魔伴人生死。- some teach religion about Jesus when they’re stealing from us - 有的人,在盗取我人民们的财富时,还要教化我等信仰上帝。- that’s probably the biggest reason why the world is corrupt - 这或许是让这世界如此腐朽的最大原因。- the church is rich but African people aren’t eating enough!- 强盗们的教堂,座座富丽堂皇,而如此同时,非洲的人民们食尚不果腹!White Demons!他们都是白色的恶魔!
Men Qattiq Waqirdim Pushayman Qilmaymen Dep我大喊大叫着说 我做过的每一件事我都不会后悔
Eyni Waqit Qaytidin Kelse Tallaydighinim Yenila Rep如果我能回到曾经的话 我会依然选择说唱
Rohimda Birxil Qudretlik Kushning Rol Oynawatqanliqini Sezdim我感到有一股强大的力量在自己身上
Qilghan Ishlirim Nurghun Bolsimu Nurghun Jahanlarni Kezdim我做过很多的事情 一次次见识了人心和世道
Jengchiler Aldinqi Septe Baturane Jeng Qilwatidu战士们在前线英勇作战
Nurghunlar Bar Eserni Bilmey Emgek Miwisini Chushenmey Watidu很多人不知道心血也不了解作品的劳动成果
Kan Ishchiliri Quduq Astida Meshxulat Elip Baridu矿工们在井下寻找宝石
Ekische Nurghun Yaxshi Eserler Bar Kumulup Kitip Qalidu相反有很多好的作品被埋了
Skinny OG
And if the Gods came down in a chariot now and asked 若此时上帝降临欲驭世间,他若问我:“为何这世界如此之肮脏me why the world is so foul and how to change it around? ,该如何才能够改变它啊?”I would tell them to get a chair because they need to sit down, 我会反问他:“先搬把椅子来坐下吧,您时间充裕吗?and how much time do they want to listen, because this will take many hours!因为此事三言两语讲不清!”