☼ Sunbeams ☼
Sunbeam lights are streamin on the waves
Shadows are made, and the sky turns grey
It's 5 o' clock and I'm feelin the same
My body is cold and I'm going through pain
No words are spoken but I hear your name
Echoed around a waiting game
My soul is broken, my bodies in pain
Now that I know that this won't go away ×2
You know, like, like, I would always think
Uh, you know, what if I make the wrong move?
But maybe there isn't any right move
You know? I mean, look at us
You know, we all dress the same, we all talk the same
We all **** the same, we all watch the same TV
Nobody's really different, even if they think they're different
‘Oh, boy, look at my tattoo, you know?’
And see, that's what makes me freak
Because I can do anything I want ,
As long as I don't care about the result
Anything is possible
It is night on planet earth and I'm alive
And someday I'll be dead
Someday I'll just be bones in a box
But right now, I', not
And anything is possible