High dive into frozen waves
从穹顶跌落 坠入极寒的怒涛
where the past comes back to life
过往云烟 重化为现实 映入眼前
Fight fear for the selfish pain
压抑恐惧 只为这痛苦的私情
it was worth it every time
纵然不合情理 却是唯一的选择
Hold still right before we crash,
不要逃避 即便我们将互相湮灭
'cause we both know how this ends
天知地知 湮灭是必然的终局
A clock ticks till it breaks your glass
任时间流转 你令我的生命定格
and I drown in you again
无论离合 我皆沉沦于你的存在
Cause you are the piece of me,
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly,
我无止境地追逐着 抗拒着
still fine and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
若这爱情必将归虚 为何我仍视你为良药
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
若这爱情促人癫狂 为何你仍赋予我澄明
Walk on through a red parade,
义无反顾 赤红的激情遮蔽双眼
and refuse to make amends
心无他念 只顾及不断地向前
It cuts deep through our ground
无暇思考 狂热割裂彼此的余地
and makes us forget all common sense
抛下理智 我们皆屈服于情感
Don't speak as I try to leave,
不要阻拦 即便我已渐行渐远
'cause we both know what we choose
天知地知 我们的抉择已成定局
If you pull, then I'll push too deep
你若挽留 我的决心便会动摇
and I'll fall right back to you
忘却愤恨 重回你怀抱的圈套
Cause you are the piece of me,
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly,
我无停歇地追赶着 斗争着
still fine and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
若这爱情必将归虚 为何我仍视你为良药
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
若这爱情促人癫狂 为何你仍赋予我澄明
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?
Why are you my clarity?
Cause you are the piece of me,
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly,
我无止境地追逐着 抗拒着
still fine and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
若这爱情必将归虚 为何我仍视你为良药
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
若这爱情促人癫狂 为何你仍赋予我澄明