I never thought of playing the main role in other people's lives
My goodwill is ordered to be executed
想让我放弃 想让我妥协
Wanna let me give up and wanna let me compromise
I am not good at expressing words,and not good at reciting rules as well
说着不知道的你已无可救药 戴口罩
Saying I don’t know, you are hopeless,but wearing the mask
听着没必要的我微不足道 吹口哨
I heard they said that’s doesn’t matter ,but negligible me still blowing the whistling
坏人扮好人 骂好人坏 好人不得好报
The bad guys pretend to be good, and said good guys are bad, good man with no good result
As expected, No reason, no result and no surprise at all
Can anyone image that this snowflake falling is the last one before the avalanche
Repeating the mistake over and over again, he said this is the last time代价付出沉重说的话能否 让他兑现
Heavy price is paid but can the words he said be fulfilled
Let me open my eyes before you leave and see you for the one last time
别再骗 别再辩 事实不堪结合想象
Stop cheating and stop arguing, the fact is unthinkable
我抬头不为仰望 想为你指个方向
I lift up my head is not for look up, but guide you a direction
让泪水留在眼眶 我不需要一张奖状
let the tear stay in the eyes , I don’t need any trophy
How loud is the victory song
不要忘 看看这景象
Don't forget,look at this scene
不要忘 请记住这景象
Don't forget, remember this scene
Don't forget that ignorance spreads like a virus
There is no way to guarantee that you will be cured
Don't forget they said to give you happiness
Not afraid of opposition or even desperation
你要记住 不能闭目
You have to remember, Don’ close your eyes
学会记录 履行义务
Learn to record, do your job
功名利禄 一无是处
Fame and fortune are good for nothing
乌云密布 天翻地覆
The clouds gathered black, coming up a storm