cu bie cu la(愚昧至極)
yuk what could think way to bate it(你們只想利用它卻讓它在中國越來越退化)
feel the nother Nana setting north land hood(你還沒見過來自南方的NASPER)
puch nat full lie let us wooden(看不慣你們那些讓人麻木的謊言)
back nat hood(回到我的街區)
as nut bam-na-boo(像雜交動物一樣吃竹子)
make lot 내가만든물건이국제우인의인정을받았는데국내사람들은뭘모르니 (我做的東西在國際上都有人認可而國內的聽眾卻不懂什麼才是好的)
J 'ai l' impression d 'être à l' étranger(只要是外文歌曲你都會崇洋媚外)
yes? well mais je ne peux pas l 'admettre(對吧你們偷偷模仿又不敢承認自己弱)
C 'est la situation des Raptors du pays, et les auditeurs suivent le vent sans esthétique(這就是國內說唱歌手的現狀而聽眾們都在跟風沒有自己的審美)
bolo ba le lie no seneelit lot dai dai(你喜歡我唱的外國語言嗎?)
dai bye bey lot nane lo five five(這首歌的歌詞其是我們亂唱的)
mai lo daidai i **lo li-ligh(我是想告訴你語言和音樂都是不分國界的)
seeing the li- ligh i dite bape li the lie(hiphop的意思跟著節奏搖擺不是你在歌裡寫一些有的沒的)
I got wrong with you(是我看錯你們了)
worth the one day low(真是我見過最差的)
she got know what we lose(只有hiphop知道我們失去了什麼)
she gotta one day low(總有一天她也會一蹶不振)
shoulden't we get da bus? (我們是不是不該隨波逐流?)
should we get da bus? (我們要不要坐上巡演大巴?)
should we get da bus? (我們該不該隨波逐流?)
should we get da bust (我們應該將規則打破)
bust bust bust bust....! (hiphop的作用不就是批判和創新嗎!)
tell us the 6 on the kitchen(在廚房裡xx 你說的這些都太假了)
no fashion no V(我不用公司包裝不用加V)
I known baby(因為寶寶我早就看透一切)
let you lie(就讓你自欺欺人吧)
wait night(快等夜幕降臨)
feelun 't light(感受不到光明的時候)
feelling like no vibe(你們就可以假裝心安理得)
pain line(痛苦的界限)
street die(標誌街頭已死)
I don't nano right(我感覺不怎麼對)
A música de freestyle que é feito EM apenas alguns minutos(這首freestyle我們幾分鐘就做完了)
Que o rap é tão simples(可想而知做首說唱真的很容易)
A dificuldade estava EM Ritmo Mais original(難就難在最原始的律動)
A situação EM até 80% o rapper no Antigo Ponto de instabilidade(現在國內八成說唱歌手連鼓點都還踩不穩呢)
I got wrong with you(是我看錯你們了)
worth the one day low (真是是我見過最差的)
she gotto what we lose(只有hiphop知道我們失去了什麼)
she gotta one day low(總有一天她也會一蹶不振)
cu bie cu la(愚昧至極)
? ? ? ? kitchen? ? ? ? (不要再說什麼廚房梗了好嗎)
DB大布:I got wrong with you(是我看錯你們了)
Per:你看我這樣唱像不像$uicideboy$ ? ? ?
DB大布:I got wrong with you(是我看錯你們了)
Per:我的mumble rap也很6哦~
그들은네가부른것은무엇이든 바람과바람의청중들은바람이불어갈수록커진다(他們才不管你唱的是什麼呢跟風的聽眾讓風越刮越大)
I can't with it wake up one wave(一次次潮起潮落我受不了)
and cold wind make we go(條件越惡劣我們越要走起)
fake wass up bottom(假貨都一個個走起來了)
we stand ****(只有我們還傻乎乎的keep real)
buck bake up fxx(都是資金的娛樂產物)
pin that new(又一個新人被限制)
walk away sheet~go off~(走遠)
I got wrong with you(是我看錯你們了)
worth the one day low(真是我見過最差的)
she got know what we lose(只有hiphop知道我們失去了什麼)
she gotta one day low(總有一天她也會一蹶不振)
cu bie cu la(愚昧至極)