黑夜的冷The cold of the night
包圍著我Envelops me
意志的城This fortress of determination
瀕臨崩裂的一瞬Is on the verge of crumbling
麻木的人This weary traveler, numb
疲憊走著Trudges on
那是一段On that leg of the journey
不見盡頭的山路I saw no end to this mountain road
我還沒I have yet
看遍山頂上景色的美To see the beauty of the mountaintop
我不願I'm still not willing
屈服空間時間下的界限To surrender to the boundaries of space and time
我要找到I'm searching for
只屬於我自己的符號A language of my own
我必須I need
執著留下痕跡即便一切終將逝去To hold on to my scars, though I know all things must eventually pass
手中的燈The light in my hand
提醒著我Reminds me
從哪裡來Where I came from
往哪裡去Where I must go