Well, it's time for me to go 好吧,是時候要走了
Not sure everything is already take 雖然我不確定我的東西都帶好了
But I don't wanna miss the train 但是我不想錯過這班火車
Now let me think again about 現在呢讓我再好好想想
Something I shouldn't forget 哪些東西我不該忘記拿走
Use up the last few minutes 用完這最後停留的幾分鐘吧
That tiny bear you gave, Mama 媽媽那個你給我的小熊
Of course I'll take 我當然會帶著
cause it wiped out all my tears 因為它擦掉了我在六歲那年
when I was six 留下的所有眼淚
That old ball bat you gave, dad I'll bring it 你送我的舊球棒爸我會帶著的
Cause it beat up the bastards who 因為它曾痛揍那群欺負
bully me and Jessie 我和jessie的混蛋們
The final thing I wanna take is you, babe 最後一件我想要帶走的是你
The one who makes that boy to a man 那個讓男孩成長為男人的人
My fairy tale has to have a *******, 我的童話故事一定要有一個女主角
And that's always you 那就會是你
That's definitely you 那絕對是你
Like the girls green wrote down 就像格林(童話)筆下的女孩一樣
Well, it's time for me to go 好吧,是時候要走了
Not sure everything is already take 雖然我不確定我的東西都帶好了
But I don't wanna miss the train 但是我不想錯過這班火車
Now let me think again about 現在呢讓我再好好想想
Something I shouldn't forget 哪些東西我不該忘記拿走
Use up the last few minutes 用完這最後停留的幾分鐘吧
Do you wanna leave with me 你想和我走嗎
Your inherent brightness 你散發的光芒
Will light our way 會點亮我們前行的路
Please, just nod your head , 求求你你就點下你的頭吧
I know 我知道
you actually want to go 你也想走
Your eyes has already given you away 你的眼神早就把你出賣了
The final thing I wanna take is you, babe 最後一件我想要帶走的是你
The one who makes that boy to a man 那個讓男孩成長為男人的人
My fairy tale has to have a *******, 我的童話故事一定要有一個女主角
And that's always you 那就會是你
That's definitely you 那絕對是你
Like the girls green wrote down 就像格林(童話)筆下的女孩一樣