編曲: 包達
Deep night I hang around the street 深夜我遊走在長街
the scars are opened up for me 傷口紛紛向我敞開
The flowing blood like mellow wine 湧流的血就像香醇的酒
let go the nonsensical screams 別管那些毫無意義的尖叫
to win the game or be defeat 遊戲無非輸贏
rise and conquer death for aye 復活且永远战勝死亡
you are the most attractive prey 你是最吸引人的獵物
with silver hair and ruddy face 有著銀色頭髮和光澤臉龐
offer the dark first rays of light 賦予黑暗第一縷晨光
I'll give you something really sweet 我將給你真正的甜蜜
lie in a endless lucid dream 在無垠的清醒的夢境裡
my arms are warm and open wide 我的懷抱溫暖並為你敞開
give more trust to me 給我多一些信任吧
I am a devoted helper 我是個真誠的幫手
keep you far from sober life 幫你遠離寡淡的生活
give more kissses to me 給我多一些吻吧
I am a thorough lover 我是個周密的愛人
you will refresh from inside 你將由衷煥然一新
*************** ******chorus************************
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
an inspiration 是一種啟蒙
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
lead you the way to heven 指引你到達天堂
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
degeneration 是沉淪
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
your faith of justice is so blind 你對正義的信仰是如此盲目
*****REPEAT verse bridge chorus*****
you are the most attractive prey 你是最吸引人的獵物
with silver hair and ruddy face 有著銀色頭髮和光澤臉龐
offer the dark first rays of light 賦予黑暗第一縷晨光
I'll give you something reallysweet 我將給你真正的甜蜜
lie in a endless lucid dream 在無垠的清醒的夢境裡
my arms are warm and open wide 我的懷抱溫暖並為你敞開
** *****************bridge**************************
give more trust to me 給我多一些信任吧
I am a devoted helper 我是個真誠的幫手
keep you far from sober life 幫你遠離寡淡的生活
give more kissses to me 給我多一些吻吧
I am a thorough lover 我是個周密的愛人
you will refresh from inside 你將由衷煥然一新
****************** ***chorus************************
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
an inspiration 是一種啟蒙
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
lead you the way to heven 指引你到達天堂
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
degeneration 是沉淪
Vampire missionary 吸血鬼傳教士
your faith of justice is so blind 你對正義的信仰是如此盲目
welcome to the scepter seeking time 歡迎來到追逐權柄的時刻
母帶後期處理Single mastered by:
協力:Coordinator: 珉羽
錄音: 劉文斌
人聲錄音室: And Stuido
和聲: 袁月