珍珠塔·方卿唱道情 (live)
Sigh for Qin Qiong, at the Sui dynasty, poor, young and captured by the official servant.
With grievances wronged as robber, under cruel torture that was hard to bear, at the cella I was held.
Later on at Lingyan Tower, drawing pictures, making distinct accomplishments.
Sigh for Fang Qing, at the Ming dynasty, with poor family, young, versatile before entering school.
Wronged by corruptive official for grave grain issue, travelling far away to relatives, but meeting Miss obstinate in the garden.
Eventually, elated upon fulfillment, then I know the credit of the snobbish, the credit of the snobbish.
2017瓜洲雲上音樂節LIVE 專輯歌曲
新樂府 熱門歌曲
# | 專輯 | |
1 | 閱川 | |
2 | 水色貳·水繡 | |
3 | 滿堂紅 (新樂府版) | |
4 | 新樂府大拜年 Vol.4 | |
5 | 藍獅阿明 | |
6 | 啥都好 | |
7 | 說實話 | |
8 | 一枝花 (新樂府版) | |
9 | 新樂府|評彈 - 腔調 | |
10 | 新樂府|霧山冥禪虛空谷 | |
11 | 亂彈·塞北江南 | |
12 | 雪絨花 (民樂版) | |
13 | 新樂府|崑曲 - 幽遊 | |
14 | 新樂府|名舞虛 | |
15 | 鈴兒響叮噹 (民樂版) | |
16 | 兩隻老虎 | |
17 | 新樂府純音樂集錦 | |
18 | 五行 | |
19 | 蝶魄 | |
20 | 新樂府大拜年Vol.5 |