歌手 Prague National Theatre Chorus Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Presto presto pria ch´ei venga" (Masetto, Zerlina)

Mozart: Don Giovanni 專輯歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Ecco il birbo che t´ha offesa" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Leporello, Masetto, Ze Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Leporello, ove sei? (Sc. II)" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Crudele! Ah no, mio bene" (Donna Anna) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Masetto, senti un po!" (Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Dunque quello sei tu" (Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Di molte faci il lume" (Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Fermati scellerato" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, .: "Overture" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Sola sola in buio loco" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Leporello, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Presto presto pria ch´ei venga" (Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Vedrai, carino" (Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Don Ottavio, son morta - Or sai chi l´onore" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Eh via, buffone" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Povera sventurata" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Fin ch´ han dal vino" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Leporello! - Signore?" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Mi par ch´oggi il demonio si diverta... - Ah ti ritrovo ancor" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Su, svegliatevi, da bravi" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Ho capito, signor, si" (Masetto) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Come mai creder deggio" (Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Notte e giorno faticar" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Komtur, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Eccomi a voi!" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Tra quest´arbori celata" (Don Giovanni, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Riposate, vezzose ragazze!" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Leporello, Masetto, Zerli Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., act II: "OST A圖啊跟體力是司馬" (Don Giovanni, KO M突然, LE pore了咯) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "V´e gente alla finestra! ... - Non ci stanchiamo" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Non mi dir, bell´ idol mio" (Donna Anna) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., act i: "LA次大熱門拉曼哦" (Don Giovanni, z二李娜) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., act i: "AL fin Siam lib而ATI" (Don Giovanni, z二李娜) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., act i: "lo的GG IO ADO給你pat to" (Don Giovanni, LE pore了咯) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ferma, perfido, ferma" (Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Non ti fidar, o misera" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ah, ah, ah, questa é buona" (Don Giovanni, Komtur, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "L´ultima prova dell´amor mio" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" (Don Giovanni, Komtur, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Manco male é partita (Sc. VIII)" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Calmatevi, idol mio" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Guarda un po´come seppe" (Don Giovanni, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Amico, che ti par?" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto" (Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ahi, ahi! la testa mia!" (Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Deh, vieni alla finestra" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Il mio tesoro intanto" (Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Bisogna aver coraggio" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Giá la mensa é preparata" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ah pietá, signori miei" (Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Ah, chi mi dice mai (Sc. V)" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Giovinette, che fate all´amore" (Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Ah! del padre in periglio - Ma qual mai s´offre, oh Dei - Fuggi, crudele fuggi! (Sc. III)" (Donna Anna, Don Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Madamina! Il catalogo e questo" (Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Zitto! lascia ch´io senta" (Don Giovanni, Masetto) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Metá di voi qua vadano" (Don Giovanni) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "In questa forma dunque" (Donna Elvíra) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ah, si segua il suo passo" (Don Ottavio) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Orsú, spicciati presto (Sc. IV)" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ah! Taci, ingiusto core" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Fuggi il traditor" (Donna Elvíra) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Ah! Dove e il perfido (Scena ultima)" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Leporello, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Chi e la? - Stelle! Che vedo?" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvíra, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni

Prague National Theatre Chorus 熱門歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
Libuse: Act III, Libuse's prophecy, Picture V Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: Libuse. Festive Opera in 3Acts
Mother, ., Scene 2: "Nanka, Fetch Some Water" (Křen, sedlák) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Haba: Mother. Quarter-tone Opera in 10 Scenes
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 8. Act 2 "Since then my life seems" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janáček: The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts
The Kiss: Act 2, Scene 4 - "Ha, ha, Lukáš, you have such troubles with your love!" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Kiss
Sarka: Act I, "Shadows of Departed Souls" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Fibich: Šárka
Libuse: Act III, Scene 3, "Welcome to us" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: Libuse. Festive Opera in 3Acts
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 4: "Halt, Sir!" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladislav Podhajs Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Two Widows. Opera In 2 Acts
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Leporello, ove sei? (Sc. II)" (Don Giovanni, Leporello) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene IV, "What? He doesn't want her?" (Quartetto) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Bartered Bride. Opera In 3 Acts
The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene VIII, "Calm down, calm down, dear, calm down" (Terzetto) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Bartered Bride. Opera In 3 Acts
Libuse: Act III, Scene 5, "Hail, stronghold of Vysehrad" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: Libuse. Festive Opera in 3Acts
The Cunning Little Vixen: Act III, Scene VII, "A vixenn's running through the woods..." Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janacek: The Cunning Little Vixen
Libuse. Festive Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Scene II, "I cannot join them" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: Libuse. Festive Opera in 3Acts
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Ecco il birbo che t´ha offesa" (Don Giovanni, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Leporello, Masetto, Ze Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 2. Act 1 "Oh dear, my goodness!" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janáček: The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 20. Act 3 "Allow me to inform you gentlemen" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janáček: The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts
Mother, ., Scene 5: "Drudge Alone? Aren´t Older Children Nearly Fit for Work?" (Křen, sedlák, Maruša, jeho žena) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Haba: Mother. Quarter-tone Opera in 10 Scenes
Libuse: Act III, Scene 4, "Did she not say that all the power now" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: Libuse. Festive Opera in 3Acts
The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene V, "Tell...tell me what you want?" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Bartered Bride. Opera In 3 Acts
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 8. Act 1 "Have you any proof of this?" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janáček: The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Crudele! Ah no, mio bene" (Donna Anna) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene III, "I know a maiden fair whose love for you is boundless..." (Duetto) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Bartered Bride. Opera In 3 Acts
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Dunque quello sei tu" (Don Ottavio, Donna Elvíra, Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, ., Act I: "Masetto, senti un po!" (Masetto, Zerlina) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Mozart: Don Giovanni
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 12. Act 2 "And can you tell me real name of this Ellian?" Prague National Theatre Chorus  Janáček: The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts
Káťa Kabanová, JW I8:Act I Scene 1 Prague National Theatre Chorus  JANACEK, L.: Kata Kabanova (Prague National Theatre) (1959)
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 9: "Ah, What a Surprise" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladisla Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Two Widows. Opera In 2 Acts
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 3: "A Poem!" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladislav Podhajský, Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Two Widows. Opera In 2 Acts
The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene III, "You are surely Marenka Krusinova's bridegroom?" (Recitativo) Prague National Theatre Chorus  Smetana: The Bartered Bride. Opera In 3 Acts
Káťa Kabanová, JW I8:Act II Scene 1 Prague National Theatre Chorus  JANACEK, L.: Kata Kabanova (Prague National Theatre) (1959)
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