Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 4:"Je viens vous confier le trouble de mon coeur" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 3:"Où suis-je!" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:Air (Vif) |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:"Nos cris ont pénétré jusqu'au sombre séjour" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 3:"Nous quittins des Plaisirs la demeure chérie" (Choeur des Amours) |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 3, Scene 3:Premier TambourinDeuxième Tambourin |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:"Obéis aux lois des enfers" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 2:"Ah! que votre sort est charmant" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35:Overture |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 3, Scene 3:"Que l'on chante, que l'on s'empresse" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35 Act 1, Scene 3:"Par des noeuds solennels... Mânes plaintifs, tristes victimes" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 6:Entracte: Bruit de guerre |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 5:"Que ne puis je exprimer tout l'amour qui l'anime?" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 1, Scene 3:"Par des jeux éclatants" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 3:"Des biens que Vénus nous dispense" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 2:"Il est temps de courir aux armes" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 2:"On vient ... c'est Dardanus" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 1, Scene 3:Entrée pour les Guerriers (Majestueux) |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 3, Scene 1:"Ô jour affreux!" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 5:"D'un penchant si fatal" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:"Suspends ta brillante carrière" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 2:"Un monstre furieux désole ce rivage" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 1, Scene 4:"Je cède au trouble affreux" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 3:"Hâtons-nous; courons à la gloire" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 2, 3:"J'éprouve tour à tour mille troubles divers... Mais un nouvel éclat embellit l'univers&am |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 4:"Monstre affreux, monstre redoutable" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35 Act 1, Scene 3:"Princesse, après l'espoir" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 2:"Frappe; délivre-toi d'un rival odieux" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 3:"Pour la fête où l'on vous appelle" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 2, scene 6:"Elle富IT! ... Mai說JA IV USA ten dress E" |
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 5, scene 3:"TEU船而, 辦你試試EZ pour JA買SLA vengeance ET啦還呢" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 1:"Tout l'avenir est présent à mes yeux" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 5, scene 3:"tambour in" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 3, scene 4:"CE搜索EZ VO是JE U型" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 4, 5:"Quel bruit! quelle tempête horrible!... Mon rival va périr... Le monstre est abattu" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35 act 1, scene 3:air (v if)"all EZ, JE U呢股二日而" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 1:"Anténor est victorieux" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 1, scene 1:"CES色, cruel amour" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 3, scene 2:"princess E, en fin LA排序VA com BL耳膜Nat特牛特" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 4, scene 4:"VO ICI LES triste S咧U型" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 3, Scene 3:Premier MenuetDeuxième Menuet en rondeau "Volez, Plaisirs, volez" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 3, scene 4:"all EZ, ET REM Porte Zune illus TR evict OI Re" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
D AR大怒SRC T 35act 3, scene 3:"P AIX favorable, 排序adorable" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 5:"Je la vois" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:Air (Grave) |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 5:"Quel est donc le héros qui conserve mes jours?" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 1:"Malgré le dieu des mers" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 1:"Venez, Songes flatteurs" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 1, Scene 2:"Ma fille, enfin le ciel seconde mon courroux" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 1, Scene 3:"Mars, Bellone, guidez nosleurs coups... Guerriers, je remplirai bientôt votre espérance" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 1:"Ritournelle" (Gracieusement et un peu gai) |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus, RCT 35Act 4, Scene 1:"Lieux funestes" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 4, Scene 2:"Par un sommeil agréable" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 2, Scene 3:"Entendez ma voix souveraine... Hâtons-nous; commencons nos terribles mystères" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |
Dardanus RCT 35Act 5, Scene 3:"Chaconne" |
Antony Walker
Rameau: Dardanus |