Take me out and well care about
Nothing real
nothing real
real at all
Pick me up and well make ****up
As we go
as we go
go along
Take me out and well karaoke
Tonight we feel famous
dont we
Pick me up and well make a movie
Im acting like the world
cant hold me down down down
Theyll never hold me down down down
Well p***the mic
around around around around
Take me out and
well carry each other home
Through the lights
through the crowd
Pick me up and well make ****up
So it feels like its real
here and now
Take me out and well karaoke
Tonight we feel famous
dont we
Pick me up and well make a movie
Im acting like the world
cant hold me down down down
Theyll never hold me down down down
Well p ***the mic
around around around around
Take me out and well care about
Nothing real
nothing real real at all
Take me out and well karaoke
Tonight we feel famous dont we
Pick me up and well make a movie
Im acting like the world
cant hold me down down down
Theyll never hold me down down down
Well p***the mic
around around around around
Take me out and well karaoke
Take me out and well karaoke