一个做事有条不紊的人 最近却被阴霾的情绪所困扰
如果有人把我们这些美国亚裔当做难民 那就别妄想我们的加入来增加你的名气
Char-Char-Char-Char-Charlie Sheen!
Char-Char-Charlie Sheen!
The melancholy mind of a methodical man
If we the Fugees I refuse to be the Pras in the band
Put my face upon a shirt
Charlie Sheen快看看记分牌吧 我魅力已远远超过你了
You got a popular brand
Ready to blow with no paper
Put the snot in my hand
远比你在荧幕上的形象备受爱戴 爸爸们跑过来和我握手 跟他们的女儿亲吻
Then I wipe it on my pockets
See I got the green
Check the scoreboard I'm winning bitch, Charlie Sheen
就像你进入一家餐馆享用着水饺 泡菜和泰式炒粉的混合晚宴
My class is at dancing
I'm passing with honors
Shaking hands with the daddies and I'm kissing their daughters
Jin, Dumb and Traphik
Dim sum in cabbage
Kim Chi and Pho Tai, somebody pass it
你们的说唱就是不断重复老套的字眼 索然无味
Classic on wax
还不如坐在电视前 来杯“虎血”和一些奥利奥
Make sure that you blast it
如果哥们你还不知道我 那么请听好 我是你的爹
I'm killing this track
Maury show可以给你答案
Throw dirt on the casket
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
These rap kids really kind of bore me though
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
It's all the same moves like some choreos
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
Give me a glass of Tiger Blood and some Oreos
没错 是我说的 你特么想怎样?
If you don't know me, I'm your daddy, son
Maury show
我把虎血注射到体内 现在怒火焚烧
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
效仿着Charlie Sheen和Bob Marley的生活态度 欲仙欲死
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
英国中世纪劫富济贫的匪帮情结传承到现在 隐藏不为人知的天主教信徒身份
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
喜欢选靠走道座位 航班里程蹭蹭直上
Yeah I still said it
休想抓住丧心病狂的我 我会像猫一样逃离疯人院
我在这场游戏里已经得到了应得的尊重 谁还特么的在乎Youtube的点击率
Tiger Blood in my veins got me fired up
我床上功夫了得 更何况还学过柔术
Charlie Sheen, Bob Marley, Steez light it up
Robin Hood to my hood, keep my friar tucked
没错我就是Dumbfoundead 早已撤去了当时脑残的形象
Sittin' by the aisle, Flyer miles pilin' up
I'm the one cat who flew over the coo coo's nest
例如欧阳靖 在我6年级的时候就已经在地下说唱比赛中所向披靡
I take big rips, Who care about the YouTube hits
I'm a blue nose pitbull if it knew jujitsu
Traphik从小在L.A长大 在YouTube上获得了很多粉丝
And held two pistols and nuclear missiles
我刚才都说了些什么 肯定是因为10天没服药的原因
Dumbfoundead they call me dumb but I'm far from it
Got a room full of people and it's star studded
我们仨和Charlie Sheen的顶峰时代到了
Jin been killin' battles since I was in sixth grade
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
Loadin' video clips up on my 56k
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
To the D-Day lives Timothy de La to the ghettos of LA
那个神经错乱的人 Charlie Sheen
This is how I get without my Ritalin for ten days
没错 是我说的 你特么想怎样?
ADD since I learned my ABC's
Us three, Charlie Sheen went major league
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
必须使自己变得聪明 并时刻保持镇定
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
Yeah I still said it
如果我想和谁搞事 你们绝对不会误解我的言语
趁势而击 不会留给对方任何喘息的空隙
To stay alive I gotta be smart
虽然这次攻击了Charlie Sheen 但你看看自己在荧幕上的傻样 谁看了都想吐槽
Keep a level head
这些都还好啦 我又没有真的生气
Cause I ain't trying to be dumb-found-dead
但如果真的掐起来 我一定会用钱买通裁判
See I don't do subliminal disses
我和Traphik 曾经也有过一段不堪回首的历史
Guarantee that if I come at 'em you won't miss it
虽然他不知道这回事 但这次和他合作的目的就是为了提高点击率
Gotta step my curve at the vent bars up I blew it
Had a Charlie Sheen punchline but he beat me to it
不想让你们误会 我就是开开玩笑
It's ok though, I don't hold grudges
下次采访 我肯定会告诉人们Traphik才是最了不起的rapper
And if we ever do battle, I'm pying out the judges
Me and Traphik got a history too
我们不只是一群朝气蓬勃的亚洲人 我猜“好汉两个半”的称号更适合我们
He don't know it, but I met him just to get me some views
你们准备好了吗 我们仨将要占领所有电视板块
I'm just goshin', don't get it confused
人们却还在谈论着 那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
At interviews, I be telling people that Tim is that dude
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
The three hot shots, back at it again
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
But since we Asian, I guess that's just two-and-a-half men
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
(say what?!)
没错 是我说的 你特么想怎样?
So get ready, we about to be all on your screen
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
那个神经错乱的人Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
没错 是我说的 你特么想怎样?
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
Yeah I still said it
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
They say I lost my mind, Charlie Sheen
Yeah I still said it
Yeah I am Chinese