Tomorrow comes and goes
明日复明日 循环往矣 没有尽头
but she'll always stays here
Well time is better to be wasted, no offense.
In fact, she died when she was 10, but no one cares.
事实上她10岁那年就死了 却无人知晓
When he swichted off the lights,
Today would be endless.
Nightmare are breeding everywhere,every moment
噩梦争分夺秒地繁衍 弥漫开来
A 5-square-meter cage, stained with blood.
笼罩着血迹斑斑的 仅有5平米的牢笼
Hey, can you hear me
嗨 能听见吗?
If I could be the last one who must suffer from the deep
I would rather be lonely than meet someone elses feel the same as me
那我宁可独自受刑 也不愿有同病相怜之人与我互诉衷肠
No expect, meaningless, no way back again.
即便生活没有期待 毫无意义 也不存在退路
He 'wears' her favourite doll,
said'I'm your godfather.'
Well love is just a perfect excuse to hide his evil
They never put themselves in me, anyway
然而他人总凭这冠冕堂皇的辩解 肆意猜疑和践踏我的苦难
Hey, can you hear me
嗨 能听见吗?
If I could be the last one who must suffer from the deep
I would rather be lonely than meet someone elses feel the same as me
那我宁可独自受刑 也不愿有同病相怜之人与我互诉衷肠
I don't deserve anything but why he still owns everything
我深知我一文不值 如同蝼蚁 可他凭什么仍能坐拥一切
cause I should be born this way?
大概 我的存在就是原罪吧
Hey, can you hear me
嗨 能听见吗?
If I could be the last one who must suffer from the deep
I would rather be lonely than meet someone elses feel the same as me
那我宁可独自受刑 也不愿有同病相怜之人与我互诉衷肠
I don't deserve anything but why he still owns everything
我深知我一文不值 如同蝼蚁 可他凭什么仍能坐拥一切
cause I should be born this way?
大概 我的存在就是原罪吧