Been hurt so many times
我的心被伤害的频率 不可计数
A big hole’s been opened so
Been putting a needle through, pulling together
引针穿过时 因痛苦而颤抖
Protected it for many days
我在此坚守的岁月 不可计数
Closed my heavy lips
太过沉重 缄默不语
Held it together almost exploding
紧紧拥抱 过于珍重 近乎破裂
Been hurt so many times
我的心被伤害的次数 不可计数
Sewed the opened hole and hid
I want to try to be with you for as long as I can
只为与你长久 长久地共度下去
Protected it for many days
我在此坚守的岁月 不可计数
Clenched my teeth when I wanted to spit it out
几欲呕吐 咬牙坚忍
You know it hurt, being held
被你拥抱 过于疼痛
It’s not painful forcing it to close
强忍艰难 闭口不言 我也甘之如饴
I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
我的身心早就疲惫不已 难堪大用
I thought I could still be of use
虽然还想为你分忧 却也有心无力
Before ripping off, our compassion slip past each other and we say goodbye
在支离破碎前 心留余念 擦肩而过 与你永别
I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
我的身心早就疲惫不已 难堪大用
Your smell still lingers
Before ripping off a little reluctantly, a goodbye
在支离破碎前 仿佛依恋不舍 与你永别吧
My face, my body hurt so many times but still can be used
即使是挂满伤痕的这张脸 这副身体 也是可以继续使用
Don’t leave me, I just don’t want you to give it to someone else
不要抛弃我 拜托了 不要把我扔给其他人
It is my fault because I was exhausted
I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
I’m thinking I was depended on
一厢情愿着 你还会对我有所依赖
Can’t win against me before I was ripped up, brand new and unused
当然比不过 支离破碎前的 纯洁崭新 未被使用过的我
I guess it’s my fault because I was exhausted
I can still remember, I’ve just lost color
回忆稍有褪色 仍然历历在目
After ripping off a little reluctantly, a goodbye
在支离破碎前 仿佛依恋不舍 与你永别吧