Time is dead and gone Show must go on
时间流逝 表演必须继续
It's time for our act They all sacream ati me
该我们上场了 他们看不见
they can not see This courtain hides me
他们对著我吼 我藏在帷幕后面
An amazing gift,so quick and swift
令人惊叹的天赐 如此快又迅速
You were amazing By myself i can't,they start to chant
你令人感到惊奇 我无法独自做到 他们开始吟唱
Why are you not here?
Grinning at me I lay on my knees They want to hear me Why can not 'he' see
对我狞笑著 我跪倒在地 他们想听我的声音 为什麼"他"不懂
I want to See U I need to See U I have to See U
我想要见你 我需要见你 我必须见你
What happend to you We get up on stage
你发生了什麼事? 我们本一同登上舞台
They jump to enrage Why are you not here?
他们暴跳如雷 为什麼你不在这儿?
Why is 'he' so near He wants me to sing
为什麼"他"如此靠近? "他"希望我唱歌
I just can not bring I said 'he's' not you
我就是没办法 我说"他"不是你
What else can i do?
Singing it's silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in it's own nightmare.
He is a tyrant, it lets out a plea. "
他"是个独裁者 它不断哀求
"Why did she have to leave it all alone?"
Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us,it despises us Lyjing so useless,we start to holler
它从未正眼瞧我们 它瞧不起我们 没用的躺在那儿,我们开始抱怨
"Hey! get up you worthless Circus Monster" "
I lay all alone,I should have known You would have left me
我独自倒卧 我早该知道你会离开我
'He' smiles at me, I can not see why 'he's' in your place. "
他"对我微笑 我无法理解 为何"他"取代了你
They can't tell me why you said 'good bye'
Right befor our act
Those two young lions(bruno&clara ok?)were always fun
那两只年轻的狮子 总是很风趣的他们
Roaring at me I lay on my knees
对我咆哮著 我跪倒在地
What is happening I can here you sing
发生了什麼事? 我听不见你歌唱
They will noy obey They've been lead astray
他们不会顺从 他们已经让人走偏
Will still See U? I have to See U
我还会见到你吗? 我必须见你
I panic and flee They both pounce on me
我恐慌奔逃 他们猛扑向我
I fall to the groundI can't hear a sound
我跌倒在地 我听不到声音
I look up and see You are not with me
我抬头环顾 你不在我身边
l am all alone Wher could you have gone?
我是孤单一人吗? 你跑到哪去了?
Singing it's silent song of misery A monster lies trapped in it's own nightmare.
如果苦难唱出它无声的歌 怪物被困在了它自己的恶梦里
He is a tyrant, it lets out a plea. "
他"是个独裁者 它不断哀求
"Why did she have to leave it all alone?"
Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us,it despises us Lyjing so useless,we start to holler
它从未正眼瞧我们 它瞧不起我们 没用的躺在那儿,我们开始抱怨
"Hey! get up you worthless Circus Monster" "
Singing it's silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in it's own nightmare.
He is a tyrant, it lets out a plea. "
他"是个独裁者 它不断哀求
"Why did she have to leave it all alone?"
Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us,it despises us Lyjing so useless,we start to holler
它从未正眼瞧我们 它瞧不起我们 没用的躺在那儿,我们开始抱怨
"Hey! get up you worthless Circus Monster" "
Singing my silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in my own nightmare.
He is a tyrant, I lets out a plea. "
他"是个独裁者 我不断哀求
"Why did you have to leave me all alone?"
Bound to sing them, a worthless monster
I never sees them,I despises them so Lyjing so useless,they start to holler
我从未正眼瞧过他们我剧烈的鄙视他们 没用的躺在那儿,他们开始抱怨
"Hey! get up you worthless Circus Monster" "