(Justin) I called a cousin who called a cousin who called a friend
Who called a couple dozen cousins, cause it doesn't end
(Cousin) My cousin Justin's looking for a little something-something for a certain someone
Some girl he wants to be touching
(Students) Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
(Cousin 1) We were just discussing our cousin Justin
Wasn't Justin the cousin who just made the honor roll, got the colleges buzzin'?
(Cousin 2) Are we close to our cousin Justin? Are we supposed to trust him?
(Cousin 1) Are we thugs to our cousin Justin? We don't sell drugs, man
(Students) Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
(Naomi) Did you get it yet?
(Justin) No, I'm about to get it
(Naomi) Is your dealer a student?
(Justin) I got you, girl. Don't sweat it
(Naomi) Let me know when you got it
(Justin) As soon as I can
(Naomi) I'll find a way to repay you, Justin
(Justin) Oh, man!
(Cousin 1) Yo, what is up with this fussin'?
This isn't up for discussion
This is our cousin coming to us
He's our blood, and we love him
(Cousin 2) Ah, look at Justin. He blushing
(Cousin 1) Our little Justin is crushing
(Cousin 2) Sorry for rushing to judgement
(Cousins) Why should we get you these drugs?
(Justin) Love!
(Cousins) What?
(Justin) Only if you believe in love
(Cousins) Love! Love!
Only if you believe in love
(Cousin 1) Get him the stuff
(Justin) I hand my cousin twenty-five ducats
I'm sweating buckets
He hands me a sandwich bag with some little green nuggets
I got it for you
(Naomi) X-O. Cool
(Justin) You want it now?
(Naomi) See you at school
(Students) Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
(Justin) Love!
Only if you believe in love!
(Students) Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something