Prod. By: Becu Beatz
後期混縮&母帶處理: Healerhill (Side Men邊緣人)
歌手:NancyYeeee & Healerhill
封面製作:NancyYeeee (FORCE HIGH )
Hey, even tho we've never met (嘿雖然我們從未相見)
Ya told me ma voice was heaven-sent (你告訴我我的聲音就像是從天而降)
You made me get used to the time we've spent (習慣彼此度過那些時間)
Yet Love is love, friend is friend (但愛亦愛友亦友)
Long story short, conversation started online (長話短說,交流始於網絡)
In Soul pulling closer as strong as Moonshine(從靈魂上越靠越近,濃烈得像是烈酒)
You are a cup of tea, cannot skip, and not enough with only one sip (你是一杯茶,不願錯過既貪了杯)
You loved to play Q&A and repeated will there be a chance to kiss my lip (你愛玩問答並反复找機會佔據我的唇)
If I can be your girl but at this moment, I love our friendship (是否可以成為你的女孩,但此時友情至上)
I want it all black I want it all white (我亦正亦邪)
Exactly what's wrong or right, just like (是非分明就像)
My fav number was two ain't nine (我最愛的數字是二非九)
One on one pure, nobody gets inside (單純的一對一不讓任何人闖入)
It's all good if you tell me some lies (即使你要告訴我一點謊話也沒關係)
Whether it breaks or stays, feeling drives (不管關係被打破了還是停滯原地讓感情來操控)
Spirit and time ain't flow away as my lines (精神和時間不易流走如同我的歌詞)
Cuz I have me , myself and I. Try, break mine (因為我有自我試著改變我)
Never leave or forsake (不離不棄)
Romantic Friendship stays (浪漫友情可以長久)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Romantic friendship no sake (浪漫友情沒有目的)
Never leave or forsake(就是不離不棄)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
I might lost in the maze (我可能已經迷失)
It was so hard try to breath(這有點難以呼吸)
Being the best during the race (在這場賽跑中做第一)
Hiding my strong feeling when I chase (在奔跑中隱藏我心)
Fulfilling entire space (填滿整個空間)Say it
Don't you wanna stay still (你不想就這樣呆著嗎)
Take it slow in this game, I try to steal (在這個遊戲中慢慢來)
Your heart, your time, your mind, chill (佔有你的心,你的時間,你的腦子,冷靜)
My dear friend, let's open up this field(我親愛的朋友,讓我們打開這片領域)
I want it all black I want it all white (我亦正亦邪)
Exactly what's wrong or right, just like (是非分明就像)
My fav number was two ain't nine (我最愛的數字是二非九)
One on one pure, nobody gets inside (單純的一對一不讓任何人闖入)
It's all good if you tell me some lies (即使你要告訴我一點謊話也沒關係)
Whether it breaks or stays, feeling drives (不管關係被打破了還是停滯原地讓感情來操控)
Spirit and time ain't flow away as my lines (精神和時間不易流走如同我的歌詞)
Cuz I have me, myself and I. Try, break mine (因為我有自我試著改變我)
Never leave or forsake (不離不棄)
Romantic Friendship stays (浪漫友情可以長久)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Romantic friendship no sake (浪漫友情沒有目的)
Never leave or forsake(就是不離不棄)
Don't get lost in the maze (別在這條迷宮迷失)
Day and night talking, how do you feel for me? (日夜暢聊,你對我什麼感覺)
Willing to do anything, how do you feel for me? (願意做任何事, 你對我什麼感覺)
Crazy game I am playing, how do you feel for me? (這瘋狂的遊戲我在玩, 感受得到我嗎)
Romantic friendship keeping, how do you feel for me? (保持這浪漫友情,能感覺的到我嗎)
No faking, it's time to fall for me. (不說假話,是時候對我有感覺了)
Fall for me; it's time to fall for me. (對我有感覺, 是時候了)
Hey It’s time to play with me (是時候跟我開始了)
Game? Insane (遊戲?瘋了)
No sake? Insane (沒有目的?瘋了)
Crazy for this, Insane (對此瘋狂,對,瘋了)
Lost in the maze, Insane (迷失在這迷宮,瘋了)
Willing to do , Insane (願意去做, 瘋了)
You got lost in the maze (你已在此迷宮迷失)
And I got lost in the maze (而我也一樣)